Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at SnakeBox.neighbor(SnakeBox.java:150)
at SnakeBox.findSnake(SnakeBox.java:86)
at pg6a.main(pg6a.java:28)
/** This class can be used to manipulate 2D boxes of "snakes" for pg6.
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class SnakeBox {
// instance variables
private char[][] box;
private int rows, columns;
private int snakeCount;
private int startRow, startCol;
private int endRow, endCol;
private boolean finish;
private int x, y;
private String toDisplay;
/** Create and initialize a SnakeBox by reading a file.
@param filename the external name of a plain text file
public SnakeBox(String filename) throws IOException{
Scanner filescan = new Scanner(new FileReader(filename));
rows = filescan.nextInt();
columns = filescan.nextInt();
snakeCount = filescan.nextInt();
box = new char[rows][columns];
for (int i=0; i < rows; i++) {
String line = filescan.nextLine();
for (int j=0; j < columns; j++) {
char character = line.charAt(j);
box[i][j] = character;
/** Create a new snakebox of a given size and snake count
@param rows the height of the box
@param cols the number of columns
@param snakes how many snakes are in the box
public SnakeBox(int rows, int cols, int snakes) {
this.rows = rows;
this.columns = cols;
this.snakeCount = snakes;
/** Display the box on the screen.
public void display() {
String toDisplay = "";
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < columns; column++) {
toDisplay += box[row][column];
toDisplay += '\n';
/** Find the next snake, skinning to change it from S to .
public void findSnake() {
// check to make sure there are still snakes to skin
if (finish = true) {
int row, col, nb;
// find an S to search from
for (int k=0; k < rows; k++) {
for (int l=0; l < columns; l++) {
if (box[k][l] == 'S') {
startRow = k;
startCol = l;
endRow = k;
endRow = l;
break outerloop;
// set your initial S position to both start and end
// search from end, updating it as you go
do {
nb = neighbor(endRow, endCol);
switch (nb) {
case 1: endRow--; endCol--;
case 2: endRow--;
case 3: endRow--; endCol++;
case 4: endCol--;
case 5: endCol++;
case 6: endCol--; endRow++;
case 7: endRow++;
case 8: endRow++; endCol++;
} while (nb != 0);
// search from start, updating it as you go
do {
nb = neighbor(startRow, startCol);
switch (nb) {
case 1: startRow--; startCol--;
case 2: startRow--;
case 3: startRow--; startCol++;
case 4: startCol--;
case 5: startCol++;
case 6: startCol--; startRow++;
case 7: startRow++;
case 8: startRow++; startCol++;
} while (nb != 0);
// update snake count
snakeCount = snakeCount - 1;
//display start/end points of the snake, then display it
/** Change a position from S to . and find a neighboring S if one exists.
@param x the row number of the position to change
@param y the column number of the position to change
@return 0 if no S neighbor was found, or a number from this grid
indicating the position of the found neighbor
1 2 3
4 S 5
6 7 8
private int neighbor(int x, int y) {
box[x][y] = '.';
if (box[x--][y--] == 'S')
return 1;
if (box[x--][y] == 'S')
return 2;
if (box[x--][y++] == 'S')
return 3;
if (box[x][y--] == 'S')
return 4;
if (box[x][y++] == 'S')
return 5;
if (box[x++][y--] == 'S')
return 6;
if (box[x++][y] == 'S')
return 7;
if (box[x++][y++] == 'S')
return 8;
return 0;
/** Display the endpoints of the snake most recently skinned.
public void printEnds() {
System.out.print("(" + x + "," + y + ")");
/** Find out how many full snakes are in the box.
@return the snake count
public int getCount() {
return snakeCount;
/** Check whether all the snakes have been skinned, based on the snake count.
@return true if done, false otherwise
public boolean finished() {
if (snakeCount == 0) {
finish = true;
else {
finish = false;
return finish;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class pg6a {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please enter the name of the file where your snake box resides, and we will try our very best to eliminate all the snakes in your snake box!");
String filename;
filename = keyboard.nextLine();
SnakeBox snakes = new SnakeBox(filename);
while (snakes.finished() == false) {