


Sub ListAllItems()

    Dim OLF As Outlook.MAPIFolder, CurrUser As String
    Dim EmailItemCount As Integer, i As Integer, EmailCount As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Cells(1, 1).Formula = "Subject"
    Cells(1, 2).Formula = "Recieved"
    Cells(1, 3).Formula = "Attachments"
    Cells(1, 4).Formula = "Recipients"
    Cells(1, 5).Formula = "SenderName"
    With Range("A1:F1").Font
        .Bold = True
        .Size = 14
    End With
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Set OLF = GetObject("", _
    EmailItemCount = OLF.Items.Count
    i = 0: EmailCount = 0
     ' read e-mail information
    While i < EmailItemCount
        i = i + 1
        If i Mod 50 = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Reading e-mail messages " & _
        Format(i / EmailItemCount, "0%") & "..."
        With OLF.Items(i)
            EmailCount = EmailCount + 1
            Cells(EmailCount + 1, 1).Formula = .subject
            Cells(EmailCount + 1, 2).Formula = Format(.ReceivedTime, "dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm")
            Cells(EmailCount + 1, 3).Formula = .Attachments.Count
            Cells(EmailCount + 1, 4).Formula = Not .UnRead
            Cells(EmailCount + 1, 4).Formula = .Recipients.Count
            Cells(EmailCount + 1, 5).Formula = .SenderName

        End With
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    Set OLF = Nothing
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
    ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

3 回答 3



Set OLF = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("My Personal Folders")

在哪里,可以选择使用索引号代替文件夹的“名称”(如果您有更多档案,通常为 2 或更多)。


Set OLF = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFoldersSentMail)
于 2013-04-05T05:45:21.090 回答

如果您需要访问辅助存储中的文件夹,请使用 Namespace.Stores 集合,然后使用 Store.GetRootFolder 访问存储的顶级文件夹。它的 MAPIFolder.Folders 集合可用于进一步向下钻取。

您还可以通过 Namespace.Folders 集合访问所有商店的顶级文件夹。

于 2013-04-05T05:52:52.467 回答



Public Sub FindSelectedFolder(ByRef FolderTgt As MAPIFolder, _
                              ByVal NameTgt As String, ByVal NameSep As String)

  ' This routine (and its sub-routine) locate a folder within the hierarchy and
  ' returns it as an object of type MAPIFolder

  ' NameTgt   The name of the required folder in the format:
  '              FolderName1 NameSep FolderName2 [ NameSep FolderName3 ] ...
  '           If NameSep is "|", an example value is "Personal Folders|Inbox"
  '           FolderName1 must be an outer folder name such as
  '           "Personal Folders". The outer folder names are typically the names
  '           of PST files.  FolderName2 must be the name of a folder within
  '           Folder1; in the example "Inbox".  FolderName2 is compulsory.  This
  '           routine cannot return a PST file; only a folder within a PST file.
  '           FolderName3, FolderName4 and so on are optional and allow a folder
  '           at any depth with the hierarchy to be specified.
  ' NameSep   A character or string used to separate the folder names within
  '           NameTgt.
  ' FolderTgt On exit, the required folder.  Set to Nothing if not found.

  ' This routine initialises the search and finds the top level folder.
  ' FindSelectedSubFolder() is used to find the target folder within the
  ' top level folder.

  Dim InxFolderCrnt As Long
  Dim NameChild As String
  Dim NameCrnt As String
  Dim Pos As Long
  Dim TopLvlFolderList As Folders

  Set FolderTgt = Nothing   ' Target folder not found

  Set TopLvlFolderList = _

  ' Split NameTgt into the name of folder at current level
  ' and the name of its children
  Pos = InStr(NameTgt, NameSep)
  If Pos = 0 Then
    ' I need at least a level 2 name
    Exit Sub
  End If
  NameCrnt = Mid(NameTgt, 1, Pos - 1)
  NameChild = Mid(NameTgt, Pos + 1)

  ' Look for current name.  Drop through and return nothing if name not found.
  For InxFolderCrnt = 1 To TopLvlFolderList.Count
    If NameCrnt = TopLvlFolderList(InxFolderCrnt).Name Then
      ' Have found current name. Call FindSelectedSubFolder() to
      ' look for its children
      Call FindSelectedSubFolder(TopLvlFolderList.Item(InxFolderCrnt), _
                                            FolderTgt, NameChild, NameSep)
      Exit For
    End If

End Sub
Public Sub FindSelectedSubFolder(FolderCrnt As MAPIFolder, _
                      ByRef FolderTgt As MAPIFolder, _
                      ByVal NameTgt As String, ByVal NameSep As String)

  ' See FindSelectedFolder() for an introduction to the purpose of this routine.
  ' This routine finds all folders below the top level

  ' FolderCrnt The folder to be seached for the target folder.
  ' NameTgt    The NameTgt passed to FindSelectedFolder will be of the form:
  '               A|B|C|D|E
  '            A is the name of outer folder which represents a PST file.
  '            FindSelectedFolder() removes "A|" from NameTgt and calls this
  '            routine with FolderCrnt set to folder A to search for B.
  '            When this routine finds B, it calls itself with FolderCrnt set to
  '            folder B to search for C.  Calls are nested to whatever depth are
  '            necessary.
  ' NameSep    As for FindSelectedSubFolder
  ' FolderTgt  As for FindSelectedSubFolder

  Dim InxFolderCrnt As Long
  Dim NameChild As String
  Dim NameCrnt As String
  Dim Pos As Long

  ' Split NameTgt into the name of folder at current level
  ' and the name of its children
  Pos = InStr(NameTgt, NameSep)
  If Pos = 0 Then
    NameCrnt = NameTgt
    NameChild = ""
    NameCrnt = Mid(NameTgt, 1, Pos - 1)
    NameChild = Mid(NameTgt, Pos + 1)
  End If

  ' Look for current name.  Drop through and return nothing if name not found.
  For InxFolderCrnt = 1 To FolderCrnt.Folders.Count
    If NameCrnt = FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt).Name Then
      ' Have found current name.
      If NameChild = "" Then
        ' Have found target folder
        Set FolderTgt = FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt)
        'Recurse to look for children
        Call FindSelectedSubFolder(FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt), _
                                            FolderTgt, NameChild, NameSep)
      End If
      Exit For
    End If

  ' If NameCrnt not found, FolderTgt will be returned unchanged.  Since it is
  ' initialised to Nothing at the beginning, that will be the returned value.

End Sub
于 2013-04-07T23:37:59.767 回答