由于数据已排序,因此您只需在内存中保留一小部分数据,就可以非常快速有效地定位内容。例如,假设我们决定将每个第 N 个元素存储在内存中。为了有效地初始化您的 API,您需要将此稀疏列表编译到磁盘上的单独文件中,这样您就不必流式传输 100GB 的数据来获取它。
Get floor(n/N)-th string/offset pair from list
Seek offset position in index
Read/Skip n mod N strings, then return the next one
Binary search over sparse list in memory
Locate lower and upper bound string/offset pairs
If a string/offset pair is in the i-th position in our sparse list,
then the string itself is the (N x i)-th string in our index.
We can use this information to compute the return value
If the string we want isn't in memory:
Seek lower-bound offset in index
Read strings until we:
a) Find a match
b) Reach the high-bound offset
c) Reach a string which is lexicographically greater than the one we are looking for
Just return the index for the matching string in our sparse list
如果你实现它,你会想要小心你为这个算法选择的“N”。请记住,从磁盘上的某个位置读取 10 个字节的成本并不比从同一位置读取 10,000 个字节的成本低多少:这是磁盘寻道的开销,以及进出 I/O 调用的开销最痛。