我有一个 C# .net Web 应用程序。我正在尝试使用此代码将二进制数据从一个应用程序发布到另一个应用程序
string url = "path to send the data";
string result=null;
string postData = "This is a test that posts this string to a Web server.";
byte[] fileData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (postData);
// Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (url);
// Set the Method property of the request to POST.
request.Method = "POST";
// Create POST data and convert it to a byte array.
// Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
request.ContentType = "multipart/form-data";
// Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
request.ContentLength = fileData.Length;
// Get the request stream.
Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
// Write the data to the request stream.
dataStream.Write (fileData, 0, fileData.Length);
// Close the Stream object.
dataStream.Close ();
// Get the response.
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
// Display the status.
result = ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription;
// Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
// Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
// Read the content.
string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd ();
// Display the content.
result = result + responseFromServer;
// Clean up the streams.
reader.Close ();
dataStream.Close ();