Have a look at this pic: enter image description here You can see a Quote block under the image slider (it's nivo slider if it's useful). I have to change the sentence in the quote block every time the image changes. I thoungh that was impossible, but just thinking a bit pheraphs I can set an interval with setInterval() to the quote block and set the time in a way that fit the slider time.

I don't really know how to do it I think I have to set an array of sentence that are display in html at a specific time... Oh and I need a fade effect but I don't think it is a problem...

Thanks a lot in advace


2 回答 2


我认为您可以使用 Nivo Slider 的内置字幕功能来实现您的目标。您可以根据需要设置标题元素的样式。

"要为图像添加标题,您只需向图像添加标题属性。要添加 HTML 标题,只需将标题属性设置为包含标题的元素的 ID(以哈希为前缀)。请注意,包含标题的 HTML 元素必须应用 CSS 类 nivo-html-caption 并且必须在滑块 div 之外。 "


如果不适合,请使用 afterChange 函数更新您的标题元素:

    afterChange: function() {
        // Do your caption update here.
于 2013-04-02T13:26:01.673 回答

为什么不使用Cycle 插件,听起来就像您正在寻找的那样。插件提供了一种称为循环的方法,该方法在容器元素上调用。容器的每个子元素都成为一个“幻灯片”。选项控制幻灯片转换的方式和时间。


$(document).ready(function() {
        fx: 'fade' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...
于 2013-04-02T13:35:14.993 回答