这个问题是Java-Math.random() 的扩展:选择 13 x 13 三角形数组的元素。我随机选择两个数字(包括 0-12),我希望这些值相等。

但是现在,由于这是一个乘法游戏,我想要一种方法来使结果产生偏差,以便更频繁地出现某些组合(例如,如果玩家在 12x8 中表现更差,我希望它更频繁地出现)。最终,我会偏向于 91 种组合中的任何一种,但是一旦我把它写下来,这应该不难。

我的想法:int n在三角数上加一些,Random.nextInt(91 + n)使结果偏向于组合。

private int[] triLessThan(int x, int[] bias) { // I'm thinking a 91 element array, 0 for no bias, positive for bias towards
    int i = 0;
    int last = 0;
    while (true) {
                    int sum = 0;
                    for (int a = 0; a < i * (i + 2)/2; a++){
                        sum += bias[a]
        int triangle = i * (i + 1) / 2;
        if (triangle + sum > x){
            int[] toReturn = {last,i};
            return toReturn;
        last = triangle;


int sum = sumOfArray(bias); // bias is the array;
int roll = random.nextInt(91 + sum);
int[] triNum = triLessThan(roll);
int num1 = triNum[1];
int num2 = roll - triNum[0]; //now split into parts and make bias[] add chances to one number.

其中 sumOfArray 只是找到总和(该公式很简单)。这行得通吗?



int[] bias = {1,1,1,...,1,1,1} // 91 elements
int roll = random.nextInt(sumOfBias());
int num1 = roll;
int num2 = 0;
while (roll > 0){
    roll -= bias[num2];
num1 = (int) (Math.sqrt(8 * num2 + 1) - 1)/2;
num2 -= num1 * (num1 + 1) / 2;

1 回答 1


您已经知道如何转换 0 到 91 之间的数字并将其变成一个滚动(来自您上一个问题的答案)。我建议您创建一个包含 N 个元素的数组,其中 N >> 91。用 0...90 填充前 91 个元素,并将计数器设置A为 91。现在选择一个介于 0 和 A 之间的数字,选择相应的元素从数组中,并转换为乘法问题。如果答案错误,则将问题的编号附加到数组的末尾,并加A一。

这将创建一个数组,其中采样频率将代表问题被错误解决的次数 - 但如果问题在下次被问到时正确解决,它不会再次降低频率。

另一种更好的解决方案,一个更接近你的解决方案(但不同)创建一个由 91 个频率组成的数组 - 每个初始设置为 1 - 并跟踪总和(最初为 91)。但是现在,当您选择一个随机数(介于 0 和 sum 之间)时,您会遍历数组,直到累积总和大于您的随机数 - bin 的数量是您选择的卷,然后您使用之前推导的公式将其转换. 如果答案错误,则增加 bin 并更新总和;如果它是正确的,你减少总和,但永远不要小于一,并更新总和。重复。

这应该可以准确地满足您的要求:给定一个包含 91 个数字(“bins”)的数组,随机选择一个 bin,使该 bin 的概率与其中的值成正比。返回 bin 的索引(可以使用您之前的方法将其转换为数字组合)。此函数以 bin(频率)数组作为第一个参数,累积和作为第二个参数调用。您查找前 n 个元素的累积总和首先超过由频率总和缩放的随机数的位置:

private int chooseBin(float[] freq, float fsum) {
// given an array of frequencies (probabilities) freq
// and the sum of this array, fsum
// choose a random number between 0 and 90
// such that if this function is called many times
// the frequency with which each value is observed converges
// on the frequencies in freq
    float x, cs=0; // x stores random value, cs is cumulative sum
    int ii=-1;     // variable that increments until random value is found

    x = Math.rand();

    while(cs < x*fsum && ii<90) { 
    // increment cumulative sum until it's bigger than fraction x of sum
        cs += freq[ii];
return ii;

我确认它给了我一个直方图(蓝条),它看起来与我输入它的概率分布(红线)一模一样: 直方图

(注意 - 这是用 matlab 绘制的,所以 X 从 1 到 91,而不是从 0 到 90)。



首先,将您的 91 个数字随机排列



roll = (int)(91*(asin(Math.rand()*a)/asin(a)))

当您a接近 1 时,该函数倾向于支持较小的数字,而较高数字的概率几乎为零:



private int[] chooseProblem(float bias, int[] currentShuffle) { 
// if bias == 0, we choose from uniform distribution
// for 0 < bias <= 1, we choose from increasingly biased distribution
// for bias > 1, we choose from uniform distribution
// array currentShuffle contains the numbers 0..90, initially in shuffled order
// when a problem is solved correctly it is moved to the top of the pile
// when it is wrong, it is moved to the bottom.
// return value contains number1, number2, and the current position of the problem in the list
    int problem, problemIndex;

    if(bias < 0 || bias > 1) bias = 0;

    if(bias == 0) {
        problem = random.nextInt(91);
        problemIndex = problem;
    else {
        float x = asin(Math.random()*bias)/asin(bias);
        problemIndex = Math.floor(91*x);
        problem = currentShuffle[problemIndex];

    // now convert "problem number" into two numbers:
    int first, last;    
    first = (int)((Math.sqrt(8*problem + 1)-1)/2);
    last = problem - first * (first+1) / 2;

    // and return the result:
    return {first, last, problemIndex};

private void shuffleProblems(int[] currentShuffle, int upDown) {
// when upDown==0, return a randomly shuffled array
// when upDown < 0, (wrong answer) move element[-upDown] to zero
// when upDown > 0, (correct answer) move element[upDown] to last position
// note - if problem 0 is answered incorrectly, don't call this routine!

    int ii, temp, swap;

    if(upDown == 0) {

        // first an ordered list:
        for(ii=0;ii<91;ii++) {

        // now shuffle it:
        for(ii=0;ii<91;ii++) {
            temp = currentShuffle[ii];
            swap = ii + random.nextInt(91-ii);

    if(upDown < 0) {
        temp = currentShuffle[-upDown];
        for(ii = -upDown; ii>0; ii--) {
        currentShuffle[0] = temp;
    else {
        temp = currentShuffle[upDown];
        for(ii = upDown; ii<90; ii++) { 
        currentShuffle[90] = temp;

// main problem posing loop:

int[] currentShuffle = new int[91];
int[] newProblem;
int keepGoing = 1;

// initial shuffle:
shuffleProblems( currentShuffle, 0); // initial shuffle

while(keepGoing) {
    newProblem = chooseProblem(bias, currentShuffle);
    // pose the problem, get the answer
    if(wrong) {
        if(newProblem > 0) shuffleProblems( currentShuffle, -newProblem[2]);
    else shuffleProblems( currentShuffle, newProblem[2]);
    // decide if you keep going...
于 2013-04-02T11:10:43.930 回答