If a function call is done in java like:

collection.update(match, new BasicDBObject("$pull", update));

How can I know the number of documents updated in database after this statement execution?

And my other problem is, that I want to remove an element from an array in a document, if that element exists the collection. How can I do that easily? Should I query to find whether it is present in collection and then delete it or is there any other easier way?


1 回答 1


1) DBCollection.html#update方法返回一个WriteResult 对象,该对象包含一个n属性,该属性包含写入操作中受影响的文档数。


DBObject newElement = ...

DBObject query = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start()
    .add("array", newElement)

DBObject update = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start()
        .add("array", newElement)

collection.update(query, update);
于 2013-04-04T18:41:47.533 回答