I am using a UIPopoverController to present a UITableViewController in iOS 6.

I am trying to make this popover semi-transparent in order to be able to show the covered views. Other than that, I would like to have a standard popover controller with default arrows etc.

Since iOS 5 it is possible to define a custom popover background view using UIPopoverBackgroundView. However, I am struggling to set up the background correctly. The code I am using to set up the background view is shown below. I would like to set only the alpha value and keep other properties set to their default values.

In addition, how would I need to configure the table view controller presented inside the popover to give its view (and all its subviews, except the text) transparency too.

Thank you!

configPopover.popoverBackgroundViewClass = [TransparentPopoverBackGroundView class];


#import "TransparentPopoverBackGroundView.h"

@implementation TransparentPopoverBackGroundView

@synthesize arrowOffset;
@synthesize arrowDirection;

- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self) {
        self.alpha = 0.4;
    return self;

+ (UIEdgeInsets)contentViewInsets {
    return UIEdgeInsetsMake(5, 5, 5, 5);

+ (CGFloat)arrowHeight{
    return 10.0;

+ (CGFloat)arrowBase{
    return 10.0;

1 回答 1



#define DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR [UIColor blackColor];

#define DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR [UIColor clearColor];
于 2013-03-30T10:10:47.300 回答