Is there a user control (standard or third-party) for iOS that allows to display vertical text of East Asian languages? I also need to display a ruby characters (furigana/reading aid) near the text. Result should look like this http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3262/img0088xa.jpg (japanese iBooks screenshot)


1 回答 1


At this time you will need Core Text or a view using Core Text. Github search fails but googling in Japanese wins. http://cocoadays-info.blogspot.jp/2012/01/coretexttextview-lccoretext.html Blog article in Japanese on this https://github.com/novi/LTCoreText

Should do the trick.

Too bad github search doesn't find it.

Google translate may or may not help. I've forked it just now and will translate the read me soon.

Also found https://github.com/hokuron/CTRVerticalTextView Though it seems fairly unfinished and it's owner's blog seems down. A Japanese site has this nifty page of bookmarks on the topic. http://b.hatena.ne.jp/Watson/iOS/CoreText/

于 2013-03-30T07:51:47.547 回答