我正在尝试并行进行一些计算。该程序的设计使得每个工作 goroutine 将解决的难题的“碎片”发送回控制器 goroutine,该控制器等待接收并组装从工作例程发送的所有内容。

关闭单通道的惯用 Go 是什么?我不能在每个 goroutine 的通道上调用 close,因为那样我可能会在关闭的通道上发送。同样,没有办法预先确定哪个 goroutine 将首先完成。这里需要一个 sync.WaitGroup 吗?


2 回答 2



此示例接受一个长整数列表,然后通过向 N 个并行工作人员提供相同大小的输入数据块,将它们全部相加。它可以在go playground上运行:

package main

import (

const WorkerCount = 10

func main() {
    // Some input data to operate on.
    // Each worker gets an equal share to work on.
    data := make([]int, WorkerCount*10)

    for i := range data {
        data[i] = i

    // Sum all the entries.
    result := sum(data)

    fmt.Printf("Sum: %d\n", result)

// sum adds up the numbers in the given list, by having the operation delegated
// to workers operating in parallel on sub-slices of the input data.
func sum(data []int) int {
    var sum int

    result := make(chan int)
    defer close(result)

    // Accumulate results from workers.
    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case value := <-result:
                sum += value

    // The WaitGroup will track completion of all our workers.
    wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)

    // Divide the work up over the number of workers.
    chunkSize := len(data) / WorkerCount

    // Spawn workers.
    for i := 0; i < WorkerCount; i++ {
        go func(i int) {
            offset := i * chunkSize

            worker(result, data[offset:offset+chunkSize])

    // Wait for all workers to finish, before returning the result.

    return sum

// worker sums up the numbers in the given list.
func worker(result chan int, data []int) {
    var sum int

    for _, v := range data {
        sum += v

    result <- sum
于 2013-03-30T12:42:34.820 回答

是的,这是 sync.WaitGroup 的完美用例。

您的另一种选择是每个 goroutine 使用 1 个通道和一个多路复用器 goroutine,该多路复用器 goroutine 从每个通道馈送到单个通道。但这会很快变得笨拙,所以我只需要一个sync.WaitGroup。

于 2013-03-30T04:13:52.410 回答