这是构造矩阵的完全矢量化方式 - 没有循环,没有arrayfun
PPR=[0 2 3 5 6 8];
AI=[ 0 0.7854 0.5236 0.3142 0.2618 0.1963];
M = ones(length(PPR),PPR(end)+1); #% allocate proper sized matrix of ones
r=1:length(PPR)-1; #% row indices for 1 element past the end of each row vector
c=PPR(1:end-1)+2; #% corresponding column indices
linear_index = sub2ind(size(M),r,c); #% create linear index from r,c
M(linear_index)=nan; #% set those elements to NaN
M2 = cumsum(M,2)-1; #% use cumsum to propagate the NaN values
M3 = bsxfun(@times,M2,AI'); #%'#multiply each row by the appropriate AI value
xp = sin(M3)+1 #% take the sine of the matrix
另请注意:这会在您未指定任何其他值的情况下使用 NaN 填充矩阵。如果您希望将这些替换为其他一些默认值(例如,零或一),这在最后很容易做到。