我正在用 Java 编写一个程序,它是一款经典的 BlackJack 游戏。


我的代码,在下面,制作了 2 个单独的牌组,一个供玩家使用,一个供经销商使用,每个都从不同的牌组抽牌,但我想让它们(玩家和庄家)都从同一个牌组抽牌( s)。


import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class River 

    private int CardNumber;

    private int BeginCards;

    private int Decks;

    private int[] PartialSumArray = {4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,52}; 

    private int[] BeginPartialSumArray = {4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,52};

    private int PickedCard;

    private Random randomGenerator = new Random();

    //Constructor without definition
    public River()
        CardNumber = 52;
        BeginCards = 52;

    //Constructor with definition
    public River(int Decks)
        CardNumber = Decks * 52;

        BeginCards = CardNumber;
        this.Decks = Decks; 

        //Initialize partial sum array for many decks of cards
        for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
            PartialSumArray[i] = PartialSumArray[i] * Decks;
            BeginPartialSumArray[i] = PartialSumArray[i] * Decks;

    //Create random numbers
    private int computeRandomSteps(int CardNumber)
        //System.out.print("stin random , cardnumber is" + CardNumber);
        int randomSteps = randomGenerator.nextInt(CardNumber-1);
        return randomSteps;

    public int nextCard()

        int steps = computeRandomSteps(CardNumber);
        int position=0;

        for (int i=0; i<CardNumber; i++)
            if (steps<= PartialSumArray[i])
                position = i+1;

        return position;

    public int start()
        int ShuffleLimit;
        PickedCard = nextCard();
        System.out.println("Picked card is :" + PickedCard);

        int HelpVariable = PickedCard-1;

        for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
            if (i >= HelpVariable)
                PartialSumArray[HelpVariable] = PartialSumArray[i]-1;

        ShuffleLimit = BeginCards/4; 

        if (CardNumber<ShuffleLimit)
            for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
                BeginPartialSumArray[i] = BeginPartialSumArray[i] * Decks;
        return PickedCard;

    public int ReturnCardNumber()
        System.out.println("return cardnumber is " + CardNumber);
        return CardNumber;


class Hand

    private int points;
    private int SumPoints=0;
    private boolean Ace = true;

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    //Scanner input3 = new Scanner(System.in);

    //int Decks = input3.nextInt();

    River myRiver = new River();
    //River myRiver = new River(Decks);

    public int getPoints()
        points = myRiver.start();
        if (points == 1 && Ace)
            System.out.println("It is an Ace. Do you want to count 1 or 11?");

            points = input.nextInt();
            Ace = false;
        SumPoints += points;
        System.out.println("Points are : " + SumPoints);
        return SumPoints;

    public int getPointsDealer()
        points = myRiver.start();
        if (points == 1 && Ace)
            if (SumPoints + 11 > 21)
                points = 1;
                points = 11;
            Ace = false;
        SumPoints += points;
        System.out.println("Points are : " + SumPoints);
        return SumPoints;

class Player
    private int points;
    private double account=0;
    private double bet;
    private boolean WinOrLose;

    Scanner input1 = new Scanner(System.in);
    Scanner input2 = new Scanner(System.in);

    public double placeBet()
        System.out.println("How much do you want to bet?");
        bet = input1.nextDouble();

        return bet;

    public double profit(boolean WinOrLose)
        if (WinOrLose)
            account += bet;
            return account;
            account -= bet;
            return account;

    public int play(River other)

        Hand myHand = new Hand();
        bet = placeBet();
        points = myHand.getPoints();
        boolean end = true;
        String Choice;

        while (end)
            System.out.println("Make a choice");
            Choice = input2.nextLine();

            case "DoubleBet":
                bet = bet *2;
                points = myHand.getPoints();

                if (points > 21)
                    WinOrLose = false;
                    account = profit(WinOrLose);
                    end = false;
                else if (points == 21)
                    System.out.print("You won!");
                    WinOrLose = true;
                    account = profit(WinOrLose);
                    end = false;
                    System.out.println("Your points are :" + points);
                    end = false;

            case "stop":
                System.out.println("Your points are :" + points);
                end = false;

            case "Hit":
                points = myHand.getPoints();
                if (points > 21)
                    WinOrLose = false;
                    account = profit(WinOrLose);
                    end = false;
                else if (points == 21)
                    System.out.print("You won!");
                    WinOrLose = true;
                    account = profit(WinOrLose);
                    end = false;

                System.out.println("That is not a choice.");
                end = false;

        return points;

class BlackJack

    public static void main(String args[])
        int SumPointsPlayer;
        int SumPointsDealer;
        boolean WinOrLose = true;
        double account;
        int Decks;
        int BeginCards;
        int ThisMomentCards;

        Scanner input1 = new Scanner(System.in);
        Scanner input2 = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("How many decks do you want to begin with?");
        Decks = input1.nextInt();

        River myRiver = new River(Decks);
        Player myPlayer = new Player();

        //Calculate the cards we have when the game starts
        BeginCards = 52 * Decks;

        System.out.println("Do you want to start the game? Yes or No.");
        String Repeat;

        Repeat = input2.nextLine();

        while (Repeat.equals("Yes"))
            ThisMomentCards = myRiver.ReturnCardNumber();
            System.out.println("Cards are : " + ThisMomentCards);

            //Player's points for 1 round
            SumPointsPlayer = myPlayer.play(myRiver);

            //If player catches 21 he wins instantly
            if(SumPointsPlayer == 21)
                account = myPlayer.profit(WinOrLose);
                System.out.println("Your account has :" + account + "dollars!");
            //If player catches >21 he loses instantly
            else if(SumPointsPlayer > 21)
                WinOrLose = false;
                account = myPlayer.profit(WinOrLose);
                System.out.println("Your account has :" + account + "dollars!");
            //Compare the hand of player and dealer and the bigger wins
                //Dealer's points for 1 round
                SumPointsDealer = playDealer(myRiver);

                //If dealer catches >21 he loses instantly
                    System.out.println("Player wins!");
                    account = myPlayer.profit(WinOrLose);
                    System.out.println("Your account has :" + account + "dollars!");
                //Hand of player bigger than the hand of the dealer , player wins
                else if (SumPointsPlayer>SumPointsDealer)
                    WinOrLose = true;
                    account = myPlayer.profit(WinOrLose);
                    System.out.println("Player wins. Your account has :" + account + "dollars!");

                //Hand of player smaller than the hand of the dealer , dealer wins
                else if (SumPointsPlayer<SumPointsDealer)
                    WinOrLose = false;
                    account = myPlayer.profit(WinOrLose);
                    System.out.println("Player lost. Your account has :" + account + "dollars!");
                //Hand of player is equal with the hand of the dealer , it is tie
                    System.out.println("Player and Dealer are tie!!");
            System.out.println("Do you want to continue the game? Yes or No.");
            Repeat = input2.nextLine();


    public static int playDealer(River other)
        boolean bountry = true;

        System.out.println("Dealer plays :");

        Hand myHand = new Hand();
        int SumPointsDealer = myHand.getPointsDealer();

        while (bountry)
            if (SumPointsDealer<17)
                SumPointsDealer = myHand.getPointsDealer();
            else if (SumPointsDealer>21)
                System.out.println("Dealer burned!");
                bountry = false;
                bountry = false;
        return SumPointsDealer;



2) 我注意到的另一个问题是,在 Hand 类中,我在 // 中的代码不起作用,因为它不允许我拥有 System.out.println()

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    //Scanner input3 = new Scanner(System.in);

    //int Decks = input3.nextInt();

    River myRiver = new River();
    //River myRiver = new River(Decks);



1 回答 1


你可以做得更好更容易的代码是面向对象的。即 Collections.shuffle(Deck) 替换了整个随机难题,其中 Deck 是您创建的由 LinkedList 和 counter[deck value] 等属性组成的对象,希望对您有所帮助。



于 2014-02-17T15:46:06.733 回答