我想用马尔可夫链创建一个简单的文本生成器。我不明白如何使用 java 'random' 例程以及使用什么数据结构?


public class MarkovGenerator {

    DataStructure wordFreqMapByPos = new DataStructure();
    public void train(String doc) {
        for (word : doc) {
            // Add word to the pos,
            // Build a word frequency map AT THE POSITION IN THE DOCUMENT
            wordFreqMapByPos.put(thePos, wordsAtThisPos)

    public void generateDocument() {
       for (pos : wordFreqMapByPos) {
            // Generate a word
            // Do I need to weight? generate a word based on how often
            // the word occurs at this position?
            // How?


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