我试图检测矩形 A(由加速度计移动)何时接触矩形 B(随机放置;静止)。当 A 接触 B 时没有任何反应,但是当我将 A 移动到昨天所有鬼矩形的顶角时,它会连续运行我的 if 语句,直到我将它移开。
@synthesize Button;
@synthesize Rand;
//Awaking the accelerometer
-(void) awakeaccelerometer
[[UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer]setUpdateInterval:1.0/50.0];//<---Sensitivity
[[UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer]setDelegate:self];
NSLog(@"Accelerometer is awake");
float randX = arc4random() % 320;
float randY = arc4random() % 548;
CGPoint randNewPlace = CGPointMake(randX, randY);
Rand.center = randNewPlace;
//Controlling the accelerometer
-(void) accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration
#define MovingObjectRadius 4
//Acceleration for player
valueX = acceleration.x * 10; //speeds
valueY = acceleration.y * -10; //speeds
//Create new integers
int newX = (int)(Button.center.x + valueX);
int newY = (int)(Button.center.y + valueY);
//Position Validate...This stops the movements from going past the screen; 320 pixels
//For X
if (newX > (320 - MovingObjectRadius))
newX = (320 - MovingObjectRadius);
if (newX < (0 + MovingObjectRadius))
newX = (0 + MovingObjectRadius);
//For Y
if (newY > (548 - MovingObjectRadius))
newY = (548 - MovingObjectRadius);
if (newY < (0 + MovingObjectRadius))
newY = (0 + MovingObjectRadius);
//Make the new point
CGPoint buttonNewCenter = CGPointMake(newX,newY);
Button.center = buttonNewCenter;
CGRect blockRect = CGRectMake(newX, newY, 20, 20);
CGRect targetRect = CGRectMake(randX, randY, 20, 20);
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(blockRect, targetRect))
float tnewX = arc4random() % 320;
float tnewY = arc4random() % 548;
CGPoint randNewPl = CGPointMake(tnewX, tnewY);
Rand.center = randNewPl;