All the examples I see of using the IndexOf() method in List<T> are of basic string types. What I want to know is how to return the index of a list type that is an object, based on one of the object variables.

List<Employee> employeeList = new List<Employee>();
employeeList.Add(new Employee("First","Last",45.00));

I want to find the index where employeeList.LastName == "Something"

Instead of making ld report the undefined symbols during linking, you could use nm on the resulting .so file. For example:

nm --dynamic --undefined-only foo.so

EDIT: Though I guess that doesn't give you which source files the symbols are used in. Sorry I missed that part of your question.

You could still use nm for an approximate solution, along with grep:

for sym in `nm --dynamic --undefined-only foo.so |cut -d' ' -f11 |c++filt -p` ; do
    grep -o -e "\\<$sym\\>" *.cpp *.c *.h

This might have problems with local symbols of the same name, etc.


6 回答 6

int index = employeeList.FindIndex(employee => employee.LastName.Equals(somename, StringComparison.Ordinal));

编辑:没有 C# 2.0 的 lambdas(原始版本不使用 LINQ 或任何 .NET 3+ 功能,只是 C# 3.0 中的 lambda 语法):

int index = employeeList.FindIndex(
    delegate(Employee employee)
        return employee.LastName.Equals(somename, StringComparison.Ordinal);
于 2009-10-14T19:57:57.190 回答
public int FindIndex(Predicate<T> match);

使用 lambda:

employeeList.FindIndex(r => r.LastName.Equals("Something"));


// Returns:
//     The zero-based index of the first occurrence of an element
//     that matches the conditions defined by match, if found; 
//     otherwise, –1.
于 2009-10-14T20:01:22.403 回答

您可以通过覆盖 Equals 方法来做到这一点

class Employee
        string _name;
        string _last;
        double _val;
        public Employee(string name, string last, double  val)
            _name = name;
            _last = last;
            _val = val;
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            Employee e = obj as Employee;
            return e._name == _name;
于 2009-10-14T20:06:13.087 回答


int index = employees.FindIndex(
      delegate(Employee employee)
           return employee.LastName == "Something";

编辑: - .NET 2.0 项目中的完整示例。

class Program
    class Employee { public string LastName { get; set; } }
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<Employee> employeeList = new List<Employee>();
        employeeList.Add(new Employee(){LastName="Something"});
        employeeList.Add(new Employee(){LastName="Something Else"});
        int index = employeeList.FindIndex(delegate(Employee employee) 
                           { return employee.LastName.Equals("Something"); });
        Console.WriteLine("Index:{0}", index);
于 2009-10-14T20:16:45.133 回答

答案是让那些来这里的人知道为什么IndexOf() 不起作用。

你的类必须重写 拥有以下声明的Equals方法。object

public override bool Equals(object obj)
于 2020-03-17T12:35:15.480 回答


    private List<Person> persons = List<Person>();

            public PersonService()
                persons = new List<Person>() { 
                    new Person { Id = 1, DOB = DateTime.Today, FirstName = "Pawan", LastName = "Shakya" },
                    new Person { Id = 2, DOB = DateTime.Today, FirstName = "Bibek", LastName = "Pandey" },
                    new Person { Id = 3, DOB = DateTime.Today, FirstName = "Shrestha", LastName = "Prami" },
                    new Person { Id = 4, DOB = DateTime.Today, FirstName = "Monika", LastName = "Pandey" },

public PersonRepository.Interface.Person GetPerson(string lastName)
            return persons[persons.FindIndex(p=>p.LastName.Equals(lastName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))];
于 2015-09-29T18:56:54.533 回答