我有两个数组,第一个是 data_array(50,210),第二个是 dest_array(210,210)。目标是使用 data_array 中的数据来计算 dest_array 在特定索引处的值,而不使用 for 循环。
function [ out ] = grid_point( row,col,cg_row,cg_col,data,kernel )
ker_len2 = floor(length(kernel)/2);
op1_vals = data((row - ker_len2:row + ker_len2),(col - ker_len2:col + ker_len2));
out(cg_row,cg_col) = sum(sum(op1_vals.*kernel)); %incorre
function [ out ] = sm(dg_X, dg_Y)
%dg_X, dg_Y - arrays of size 210x210, the values - coordinates of data in data_array,
%index of each element - position this data at 210x210 grid
data_array = randi(100,50,210); %data array
kernel = kernel_sinc2d(17,'hamming'); %sinc kernel for calculations
ker_len2 = floor(length(kernel)/2);
%adding the padding for array, to avoid
%the errors related to boundaries of data_array
data_array = vertcat(data_array(linspace(ker_len2+1,2,ker_len2),:),...
data_array(linspace(size(data_array,1)-1,size(data_array,1) - ker_len2,ker_len2),:));
data_array = horzcat(data_array(:,linspace(ker_len2+1,2,ker_len2)),...
data_array(:,linspace(size(data_array,2)-1,(size(data_array,2) - ker_len2,ker_len2)));
%cg_X, cg_Y - arrays of indicies for X and Y directions
[cg_X,cg_Y] = meshgrid(linspace(1,210,210),linspace(1,210,210));
%for each point at grid(210x210) formed by cg_X and cg_Y,
%we should calculate the value, using the data from data_array(210,210).
%after padding, data_array will have size (50 + ker_len2*2, 210 + ker_len2*2)
dest_array = arrayfun(@(y,x,cy,cx) grid_point(y, x, cy, cx, data_array, kernel),...
dg_Y, dg_X, cg_Y, cg_X);
但是,arrayfun 似乎无法解决我的问题,因为我使用了不同大小的数组。有人有这个想法吗?