所以我已经通过 SO 进行了大量搜索,但无法找到这个问题的答案。我的符号库中有一个为动作脚本导出的影片剪辑,并且我已经为它编写了一个自定义类。除了在我将影片剪辑添加到舞台后尝试访问自定义私有属性时,它大部分都很好用。下面是一个例子:

package {

    public class MyMovieClip extends MovieClip {

        private var _isEnabled:Boolean = false;

        public function MyMovieClip():void {


        public function set isEnabled( b:Boolean ):void {

            _isEnabled = b;

        public function get isEnabled():Boolean {

            return _isEnabled;


package {

    public class MyOtherClass extends MovieClip {

        public var myMC:MyMovieClip;
        public var docClass:*;

        public function MyOtherClass( docRef:* ):void { // passing in a reference to the DocumentClass so I can access the stage
            docClass = docRef;

        public function init():void {

            for(var i:int=0; i<6; i++) {

                var myMC:MyMovieClip = new MyMovieClip; // instantiate the movieclip which is exported for actionscript and has a custom class 
                //set a few native properties
                myMC.name = "myMC" + i; //setting the name so I can reference this movieclip after it's been added to stage
                myMC.y = myMC.height * i + 20;
                myMC.x = 20;
                myMC.alpha = .7;

            dispatchEvent(new Event(MyOtherClass.MOVIECLIPS_ADDED)); // just to be safe, let's dispatch a custom event when all movieclips have been added

        public function traceEnabled():void {

            trace(docClass.stage.getChildByName("myMC1").isEnabled); // this throws: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property isEnabled through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject


最后我在我的文档类中实例化 MyOtherClass:

package {

    public class DocumentClass extends MovieClip {

        public var myOtherClass:MyOtherClass;

        public function DocumentClass():void {

            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);

        public function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void {

            myOtherClass = new MyOtherClass(); // upon instantiation, init is called in MyOtherClass and all of my movieclips are added to the sage

是什么赋予了?为什么 MyMovieClip 属性 isEnabled 在添加到舞台后无法访问?还有其他方法吗?(提前感谢您的帮助)


1 回答 1


在内部,a 的所有子项DisplayObjectContainer都被引用为DisplayObject,因此当您使用 时getChildByName,它会返回一个 DisplayObject。



在您的创建循环中,您没有添加myMC到显示列表中,因此调用 stage.getChildByName() 将返回 null,因为您的剪辑不在舞台上。

您也没有将 myOtherClass 添加到已发布代码的显示列表中。

此外,实际上并不需要存储对文档类的引用。只需添加 addedToStage 侦听器MyOtherClass并初始化处理程序。


    public function MyOtherClass():void { 
            init(); //if stage is ready, call init, if not wait for the added to stage event

    public function init(e:Event = null):void {

        for(var i:int=0; i<6; i++) {

            var myMC:MyMovieClip = new MyMovieClip;
            myMC.name = "myMC" + i; //setting the name so I can reference this movieclip after it's been added to stage
            myMC.y = myMC.height * i + 20;
            myMC.x = 20;
            myMC.alpha = .7;

            addChild(myMC); //!!!! add to the displayList

        dispatchEvent(new Event(MyOtherClass.MOVIECLIPS_ADDED)); // just to be safe, let's dispatch a custom event when all movieclips have been added

    public function traceEnabled():void {
        var myMC:MyMovieClip = this.getChildByName("myMC1") as MyMovieClip; //!!! cast it as MyMovieClip so you have access to all the properties/methods in that class
        if(myMC){  //myMC will be null if the cast failed

       getChildByName is slow and cumbersome. Most people generally only use it for accessing things put on the timeline in the Flash IDE.  Using events is a much better way of accessing your items. If traceEnabled was caused by a mouse event attached to myMC, then this would be a much better implementation:
    public function betterTraceEnabled(e:Event):void {
        var myMC:MyMovieClip = e.currentTarget as MyMovieClip;


public class DocumentClass extends MovieClip {

    public var myOtherClass:MyOtherClass;

    public function DocumentClass():void {

            onAddedToStage(null); //most of the time stage is already populated in the constructor of your document class
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);

    public function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void {

        myOtherClass = new MyOtherClass(); // upon instantiation, init is called in MyOtherClass and all of my movieclips are added to the sage
        addChild(myOtherClass); //add it to the displayList
于 2012-09-21T21:00:33.253 回答