用户无法获取泛型类的构造函数类型 X 以匹配传递给构造函数 IA 的对象类型,即使<X extends IA>
我真的不喜欢提供的唯一答案,因为如果您必须将 M 构造函数类型从X
为<X extends IA>
public interface IA<X extends IA<X>>{}
public class A<X extends IA<X>> implements IA<X>{}
public class W<X extends IA<X>>{}
public class M<X extends IA<X>> extends W<X>{
X anx;
public M(X x){} //Type X here is not compatibile with IA in the test code
//Testing code in a different class
public <X extends IA<X>> void check() {
IA<X> a = new A<X>();
W<X> s = new M<X>(a); //Doesn't compile because IA<X> is not the same as 'X', even though <X extends IA>
W<X> s = new M(a); //Compiles, but with suppressed warnings
X a = new A<X>(); //Doesnt compiler (ignoring dupicate 'a' variable)
W<X> s = new M<X>(a); compiles
编辑以在任何地方包括 IA,包括“扩展”