我在使用 sweetpie 0.9.12+ 实现记录级授权时遇到问题。



class UserProfile(models.Model):
    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.user.get_full_name()

    user = models.OneToOneField(User)

class Sample(models.Model):
    def __unicode__(self):
        return '%s' % self.id

    OPEN = 0
    CLAIMED = 1
    CLOSED = 2
    MANUAL = 3
    MODIFIED = 4
    DELETED = 5
    ERROR = 6
    RESERVED = 7
        (OPEN, 'Open'),
        (CLAIMED, 'Claimed'),
        (CLOSED, 'Closed'),
        (MANUAL, 'Manual'),
        (MODIFIED, 'Modified'),
        (DELETED, 'Deleted'),
        (ERROR, 'Error'),
        (RESERVED, 'Reserved'),

    status = models.SmallIntegerField(max_length = 1, default = OPEN, choices = STATUS_CHOICES)
    user_profile = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, blank = True, null = True)


class BaseResource(ModelResource):
    # Base class with rather strict default settings
    # All other Resources extend this and override any defaults to higher permissions
    class Meta:
        authentication = DjangoAuthentication()
        authorization = ReadOnlyAuthorization()
        allowed_methods = []

class SampleResource(BaseResource): # BaseResource defines a default Meta, setting allowed_methods and authentication for all other resources in the API
    UserProfile = fields.ForeignKey(UserProfileResource, 'user_profile', null = True, full = True)
    class Meta(BaseResource.Meta):
        queryset = Sample.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'sample'
        allowed_methods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch']
        authorization = SampleAuthorization()
        always_return_data = True

    def dehydrate_status(self, bundle):
        return Sample.STATUS_CHOICES[bundle.data['status']][1]

    def hydrate_status(self, bundle):
        bundle.data['status'] = Sample.__dict__[bundle.data['status'].upper()]
        return bundle


class SampleAuthorization(Authorization):
    # Checks that the records' owner is either None or the logged in user
    def authorize_user(self, bundle):
        return bundle.obj.user_profile in (None, self.user_profile(bundle))

    def user_profile(self, bundle):
        return user_profile.objects.get(user = bundle.request.user)

    def read_list(self, object_list, bundle):
        print 'Read List'
        return object_list.filter(Q(user_profile = self.user_profile(bundle)) | Q(user_profile = None))

    def read_detail(self, object_list, bundle):
        print 'Read Detail'
        return self.authorize_user(bundle)

    def create_list(self, object_list, bundle):
        return object_list

    def create_detail(self, object_list, bundle):
        return self.authorize_user(bundle)

    def update_list(self, object_list, bundle):
        print 'Update List'
        allowed = []
        for obj in object_list:
            if obj.user_profile in (None, self.user_profile(bundle)):

        return allowed

    def update_detail(self, object_list, bundle):
        print 'Update Detail'
        print bundle.obj.status, bundle.data['status']
        # Compare status stored on the server against the user-set status
        # If server status is >= user status
        # Raise Unauthorized
        if bundle.obj.status >= bundle.data['status']:
                raise Unauthorized('New status must be higher than current status')
        return self.authorize_user(bundle)

    def delete_list(self, object_list, bundle):
        raise Unauthorized('Deletion not allowed through API')

    def delete_detail(self, object_list, bundle):
        raise Unauthorized('Deletion not allowed through API')

我的问题是 update_detail 似乎被调用了两次,输入不同。请求的更新正在尝试更改存储在服务器上的记录的状态。新状态必须高于存储状态,否则更改为未经授权。


Read Detail
Update Detail
0 Claimed
Update Detail
1 1
[27/Mar/2013 09:35:23] "PATCH /api/1.0/sample/1/ HTTP/1.1" 401 0

在第一次通过时,bundle.obj.status 具有正确的值,但 bundle.data['status'] 尚未水合。在第二遍中,bundle.obj.status 已更改为新状态,并且新状态已被水合。

因为状态在第一次通过时没有被水合,所以我无法可靠地比较它们,并且不想手动调用 hydrate_status 因为它会扰乱在后台完成的整个水合过程。因为第二遍的值是相同的,所以无论我将它设置为什么状态,它总是会引发 Unauthorized 异常。

如果 Tastypie 两次调用该方法并为存储的状态值和新的状态值输入不同的输入,我该如何实现记录级授权?


2 回答 2


Turns out, the multiple calls to update_detail was a bug in the tastypie framework.

Issue was submitted on github and resolved in a bug fix.

于 2013-04-28T15:30:08.367 回答

看看使用 django-guardian 而不是硬编码模型上的关系。下面的授权类将是一个好的开始:


于 2013-04-28T09:59:33.690 回答