这个网站真是太棒了,我要感谢任何回答我帖子的人。您可能会发现我的帖子是转发的转发,因为它再次与从 QLineEdit 检索数据有关。整整 2 天我一直在尝试解决这个问题,查看 hudge stackoverflow 数据库,但我找不到答案。

基本上我想从 QLineEdit 中检索 IP 地址和从 QLineEdit 中检索端口号,我这样做:

myclass::myclass(QWidget *parent = 0)
     _mainuilayout = new QGridLayout();
     ipAddress = new QLineEdit();
     portnumber = new QLineEdit();
     QFormLayout *connect2adress = new QFormLayout();
     connect2adress->addRow("Ip Adress : ", ipAddress);
     connect2adress->addRow("Port number : ", portnumber);
     _launch = new QPushButton("Launch server");

     QObject::connect(_launch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setipAddress()));
     QObject::connect(_launch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setportnumber()));


     QObject::connect(_launch, SIGNAL(clicked()), server, SLOT(launchserver()));

在这里,您获得了将 ip 地址存储在 QString 中的代码 thisaddress 是在标头和 thisport 中定义的 QString

void myclass::setipAddress()
     thisaddress = ipAddress->text();

void myclass::setportnumber()
    thisport = portnumber->text().toShort();

我想要的是当我单击启动按钮时,它将来自 QLineEdit 的数据存储在此地址和此端口中,以便我可以启动服务器,这是 connectTo 的代码

void server::connectTo(QString ipAdress,quint16 port)
    if(!ipAdress.isEmpty() && port != 0 )
         ipAddress = ipAdress;
         portnumber = port;

当我将 QLineEdit 转换为 QString 时,问题真的来了,因为当我直接分配 thisAddress 和 thisportnumber 时,它正在工作

  thisAddress = ""
  thisportnumber = 5855


  Unsupported socket Operation

所以各位有什么答案可以帮助我吗?我已经尝试遵循该堆栈中给出的解决方案,在单击 QPushButton 时将 QLineEdit 的数据存储到 QString 中, 但它仍然无法正常工作,如果我找到让你知道的东西,我仍在努力!感谢您的回复!


2 回答 2


自从我使用 Qt 以来已经有很长时间了,但我看到没有人回答你的问题,所以我会加两分钱。

当您将事件连接到多个插槽时,我认为您不会期望特定的调用顺序。您正在按钮上连接clicked()事件_launch以填充您的 IP 地址和端口号,并调用launchserver(). 但是您需要先调用其他两个插槽。


于 2013-03-25T02:28:35.033 回答

It looks like I'm either missing something, or there is confusion about what exactly is happening in the connect calls. The connect function only tells Qt what to do when a signal is emitted (usually when the user does something). It does not wait for that event to happen.

myclass::myclass(QWidget *parent = 0)
     // <snipped construction and layout>

     // Tell Qt what to do when the clicked signal happens:
     QObject::connect(_launch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setipAddress()));
     QObject::connect(_launch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setportnumber()));

     // At this point, nothing has been set, because the user hasn't had time to
     // fill in anything -- you've only told the application what to do when they
     // do so.

     // As pointed out previously, even though you're telling the application what
     // to do, the application says nothing about the order, so you don't know if
     // this will be run before or after the slots to set the ip address and port
     // number.
     // What you do know is that it won't be run before the previous line of code,
     // which does the first connection.
     QObject::connect(_launch, SIGNAL(clicked()), server, SLOT(launchserver()));

The following is a more straightforward implementation:

myclass::myclass(QWidget *parent = 0)
     _mainuilayout = new QGridLayout();
     _ipAddress = new QLineEdit();
     _portnumber = new QLineEdit();
     QFormLayout *connect2adress = new QFormLayout();
     connect2adress->addRow("Ip Adress : ", ipAddress);
     connect2adress->addRow("Port number : ", portnumber);
     _launch = new QPushButton("Launch server");

     QObject::connect(_launch, SIGNAL(clicked()), server, SLOT(launchserver()));

于 2013-03-26T19:51:04.357 回答