我正在尝试根据请求将文件从服务器端发送到客户端。发送的文件是加密的,客户端应该解密它。加密过程工作正常,但在解密时我需要使用序列化的 DerIOBuffer objetc。我该怎么办..请帮忙


import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import com.dragongate_technologies.borZoi.*;

public class FileServer {

  static final int LISTENING_PORT = 3210;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

     File directory;        // The directory from which the gets the files that it serves.
     ServerSocket listener; // Listens for connection requests.
     Socket connection;     // A socket for communicating with a client.

     /* Check that there is a command-line argument.
        If not, print a usage message and end. */

     if (args.length == 0) {
        System.out.println("Usage:  java FileServer <directory>");

     /* Get the directory name from the command line, and make
        it into a file object.  Check that the file exists and
        is in fact a directory. */

     directory = new File(args[0]);
     if ( ! directory.exists() ) {
        System.out.println("Specified directory does not exist.");
     if (! directory.isDirectory() ) {
        System.out.println("The specified file is not a directory.");

     /* Listen for connection requests from clients.  For
        each connection, create a separate Thread of type
        ConnectionHandler to process it.  The ConnectionHandler
        class is defined below.  The server runs until the
        program is terminated, for example by a CONTROL-C. */

     try {
        listener = new ServerSocket(LISTENING_PORT);
        System.out.println("Listening on port " + LISTENING_PORT);
        while (true) {
           connection = listener.accept();
           new ConnectionHandler(directory,connection);
     catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Server shut down unexpectedly.");
        System.out.println("Error:  " + e);

  } // end main()

  static class ConnectionHandler extends Thread {
       // An object of this class is a thread that will
       // process the connection with one client.  The
       // thread starts itself in the constructor.

     File directory;       // The directory from which files are served
     Socket connection;    // A connection to the client.
     TextReader incoming;  // For reading data from the client.
     PrintWriter outgoing; // For transmitting data to the client.

     ConnectionHandler(File dir, Socket conn) {
           // Constructor.  Record the connection and
           // the directory and start the thread running.
        directory = dir;
        connection = conn;

     void sendIndex() throws Exception {
           // This is called by the run() method in response
           // to an "index" command.  Send the list of files
           // in the directory.
        String[] fileList = directory.list();
        for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++)
        if (outgoing.checkError())
           throw new Exception("Error while transmitting data.");

     void ecies_ex(String fileName) throws Exception {
           // This function encrypts the file that has been requested
           // by the client.

        String at1,dc1,der1;

        OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);

        ECDomainParameters dp = ECDomainParameters.NIST_B_163();

        ECPrivKey skA = new ECPrivKey(dp, BigInteger.valueOf(123));
        ECPubKey pkA = new ECPubKey(skA);

        ECPrivKey skB = new ECPrivKey(dp, BigInteger.valueOf(230));
        ECPubKey pkB = new ECPubKey(skB);

        File file = new File(directory,fileName);
        if ( (! file.exists()) || file.isDirectory()) {
             // (Note:  Don't try to send a directory, which
             // shouldn't be there anyway.)
        else {

           String pt1 = new String();
           BufferedReader br = null;

        try {
           String sCurrentLine;

           br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
           while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) {

        } catch (IOException e) {

        ECIES crypt = new ECIES(skA, pkB, pt1.getBytes()); // encrypt the data

        try {
            DerIOBuffer der = new DerIOBuffer(crypt);

            ECIES decrypt = der.toECIES();
            dc1=decrypt.toString2(); //cipher text

            //at1=decrypt.toString3(); //authentication tag

            FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("encrypted.txt");
            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
            //Close the output stream

        } catch (Exception e) {

        TextReader fileIn = new TextReader( new FileReader("encrypted.txt") );
        while (fileIn.peek() != '\0') {
            // Read and send lines from the file until
            // an end-of-file is encountered.
            String line = fileIn.getln();
    //  oos.close();
    //  os.close();
      if (outgoing.checkError())
        throw new Exception("Error while transmitting data.");


     public void run() {
           // This is the method that is executed by the thread.
           // It creates streams for communicating with the client,
           // reads a command from the client, and carries out that
           // command.  The connection is logged to standard output.
           // An output beginning with ERROR indicates that a network
           // error occurred.  A line beginning with OK means that
           // there was no network error, but does not imply that the
           // command from the client was a legal command.
        String command = "Command not read";
        try {
           incoming = new TextReader( connection.getInputStream() );
           outgoing = new PrintWriter( connection.getOutputStream() );
           command = incoming.getln();
           if (command.equals("index")) {
           else if (command.startsWith("get")){
              String fileName = command.substring(3).trim();
           else {
              outgoing.println("unknown command");
           System.out.println("OK    " + connection.getInetAddress()
                                       + " " + command);
        catch (Exception e) {
           System.out.println("ERROR " + connection.getInetAddress()
                                    + " " + command + " " + e);
        finally {
           try {
           catch (IOException e) {

  }  // end nested class ConnectionHandler

} //end class FileServer

客户 :

import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import com.dragongate_technologies.borZoi.*;

public class FileClient {

  static final int LISTENING_PORT = 3210;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

     String computer;      // Name or IP address of server.
     Socket connection;    // A socket for communicating with that computer.
     PrintWriter outgoing; // Stream for sending a command to the server.
     TextReader incoming;  // Stream for reading data from the connection.
     String command;       // Command to send to the server.
     String pt3;

    ECDomainParameters dp = ECDomainParameters.NIST_B_163();
     ECPrivKey skB = new ECPrivKey(dp, BigInteger.valueOf(230));
    //ECPrivKey skB = new ECPrivKey (dp);
    ECPubKey pkB = new ECPubKey(skB);
     /* Check that the number of command-line arguments is legal.
        If not, print a usage message and end. */

     if (args.length == 0 || args.length > 3) {
        System.out.println("Usage:  java FileClient <server>");
        System.out.println("    or  java FileClient <server> <file>");
        System.out.println("    or  java FileClient <server> <file> <local-file>");

     /* Get the server name and the message to send to the server. */

     computer = args[0];

     if (args.length == 1)
        command = "index";
        command = "get " + args[1];

     /* Make the connection and open streams for communication.
        Send the command to the server.  If something fails
        during this process, print an error message and end. */

     try {
        connection = new Socket( computer, LISTENING_PORT );
        incoming = new TextReader( connection.getInputStream() );
        outgoing = new PrintWriter( connection.getOutputStream() );

     catch (Exception e) {
             "Can't make connection to server at \"" + args[0] + "\".");
        System.out.println("Error:  " + e);

     /* Read and process the server's response to the command. */

     try {
        if (args.length == 1) {
              // The command was "index".  Read and display lines
              // from the server until the end-of-stream is reached.
           System.out.println("File list from server:");
           while (incoming.eof() == false) {
              String line = incoming.getln();
              System.out.println("   " + line);
        else {
              // The command was "get <file-name>".  Read the server's
              // response message.  If the message is "ok", get the file.
           String message = incoming.getln();
           if (! message.equals("ok")) {
              System.out.println("File not found on server.");
           PrintWriter fileOut;  // For writing the received data to a file.
           if (args.length == 3) {
                 // Use the third parameter as a file name.
               fileOut = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter(args[2]) );
           else {
                 // Use the second parameter as a file name,
                 // but don't replace an existing file.
               File file = new File(args[1]);
               if (file.exists()) {
                  System.out.println("A file with that name already exists.");
                  System.out.println("To replace it, use the three-argument");
                  System.out.println("version of the command.");
               fileOut = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter(args[1]) );
           while (incoming.peek() != '\0') {
                  // Copy lines from incoming to the file until
                  // the end of the incoming stream is encountered.
               String line = incoming.getln();
           InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); 
           ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); 
           DerIOBuffer der = (DerIOBuffer)ois.readObject();
           ECIES decrypt = der.toECIES();

           byte[] pt2 = decrypt.decrypt(skB); // decrypt the data
            pt3=new String(pt2);

           if (fileOut.checkError()) {
              System.out.println("Some error occurred while writing the file.");
              System.out.println("Output file might be empty or incomplete.");
     catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Sorry, an error occurred while reading data from the server.");
        System.out.println("Error: " + e);

  }  // end main()

 } //end class FileClient

1 回答 1


如果您关心错误,则不应使用PrintWriter. 为什么?因为如果通过 a 的输出确实发生错误PrintWriter,您将无法找出它是什么。这就是在这种情况下很难弄清楚真正的问题是什么的原因。我建议您解决此问题,以便找到问题的真正原因。


  • 如果您尝试编写的内容可能是二进制的,那么您根本不应该使用PrintWriter... 或 Readers / Writers。

  • 您似乎在不必要地使用对象序列化......并且在一个看起来可能无法序列化的类上。

  • 基于我在查找“borZoi”库的文档时遇到的困难......以及其他事情......我认为你可能选择了一个糟糕的库来进行加密工作。

于 2013-03-23T09:41:07.340 回答