
用于计算我使用的路线Google direction API。为了绘制路线,我使用了这段代码

- (void) drawRoute:(NSArray *) path
    NSInteger numberOfSteps = path.count;
    [self.objMapView removeOverlays: self.objMapView.overlays];

    CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinates[numberOfSteps];
    for (NSInteger index = 0; index < numberOfSteps; index++)
        CLLocation *location = [path objectAtIndex:index];
        CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate = location.coordinate;

        coordinates[index] = coordinate;

    for( id <MKOverlay> ovr in [self.objMapView overlays])
        MKPolylineView *polylineView = [[MKPolylineView alloc] initWithPolyline:ovr];

        if (polylineView.tag == 22)
            [self.objMapView removeOverlay:ovr];
        [polylineView release];

    MKPolyline *polyLine = [MKPolyline polylineWithCoordinates:coordinates count:numberOfSteps];
    [self.objMapView addOverlay:polyLine];



现在,如果用户不在路线(超过 100 米),我想要一个通知。我也可以收到通知

问题:~ 如果道路是直的(超过 100 公吨),那么我无法在路上得分。为了解释问题,我附上了图片......


在这张图片中,假设黑线是我的路径(折线),红色圆圈是我从 google api 获得的点。但是在显示为蓝色圆圈的直线路径中,我无法获得要比较的点,并且在此路径中调用了重新计算函数。



2 回答 2



  1. 计算您当前位置到 MKPolyline 中所有点的距离,并从中取最小值。(可能有一些很好的方法来优化它。就像不迭代每次位置更新时的所有点,但现在没有时间深入研究)。
  2. 您现在知道到最近的折线点的距离。但是,该点可能仍然很远,而折线本身(连接该点和上一个或下一个点)可能更近。因此,计算您当前位置与这两个线段之间的距离,您就有了最近的距离。

现在,这不是防水的。虽然它最大限度地减少了 api 调用的 nr,但在某些情况下(如果您在 MKPolyline 中有疯狂的弯曲和曲线)它可能会在不需要时调用 api,但是嘿,那么将再次绘制相同的线,不会造成任何损坏。在我的测试中,它运行良好,您还可以调整准确性。我在下面的代码中将其设置为 200m(0.2km)。

//Get Coordinates of points in MKPolyline
NSUInteger pointCount = routeLineGuidanceTurn.pointCount;
CLLocationCoordinate2D *routeCoordinates = malloc(pointCount * sizeof(CLLocationCoordinate2D));
[routeLineGuidanceTurn getCoordinates:routeCoordinates
                         range:NSMakeRange(0, pointCount)];
NSLog(@"route pointCount = %d", pointCount);

//Determine Minimum Distance and GuidancePoints from
double MinDistanceFromGuidanceInKM = 1000;
CLLocationCoordinate2D prevPoint;
CLLocationCoordinate2D pointWithMinDistance;
CLLocationCoordinate2D nextPoint;

for (int c=0; c < pointCount; c++)
    double newDistanceInKM = [self distanceBetweentwoPoints:Currentcordinate.latitude longitude:Currentcordinate.longitude Old:routeCoordinates[c].latitude longitude:routeCoordinates[c].longitude];
    if (newDistanceInKM < MinDistanceFromGuidanceInKM) {
        MinDistanceFromGuidanceInKM = newDistanceInKM;
        prevPoint = routeCoordinates[MAX(c-1,0)];
        pointWithMinDistance = routeCoordinates[c];
        nextPoint = routeCoordinates[MIN(c+1,pointCount-1)];

NSLog(@"MinDistanceBefore: %f",MinDistanceFromGuidanceInKM);

//If minimum distance > 200m we might have to recalc GuidanceLine.
//To be sure we take the two linesegments connected to the point with the shortest distance and calculate the distance from our current position to that linedistance.
if (MinDistanceFromGuidanceInKM > 0.2) {
    MinDistanceFromGuidanceInKM = MIN(MIN([self lineSegmentDistanceFromOrigin:Currentcordinate onLineSegmentPointA:prevPoint pointB:pointWithMinDistance], [self lineSegmentDistanceFromOrigin:Currentcordinate onLineSegmentPointA:pointWithMinDistance pointB:nextPoint]),MinDistanceFromGuidanceInKM);

    if (MinDistanceFromGuidanceInKM > 0.2) {
        // Call the API and redraw the polyline.


-(double)distanceBetweentwoPoints:(double)Nlat longitude:(double)Nlon Old:(double)Olat longitude:(double)Olon  {
    double Math=3.14159265;
    double radlat1 = Math* Nlat/180;
    double radlat2 = Math * Olat/180;
    double theta = Nlon-Olon;
    double radtheta = Math * theta/180;
    double dist = sin(radlat1) * sin(radlat2) + cos(radlat1) * cos(radlat2) * cos(radtheta);
    if (dist>1) {dist=1;} else if (dist<-1) {dist=-1;}
    dist = acos(dist);
    dist = dist * 180/Math;
    dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    return dist * 1.609344;

这是计算点与其他两个点之间的线段之间距离的位。我从这里得到了这个:https : //stackoverflow.com/a/28028023/3139134 对其进行了一些修改以使用 CLLocationCoordinate2D 并返回距离。

- (CGFloat)lineSegmentDistanceFromOrigin:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)origin onLineSegmentPointA:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)pointA pointB:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)pointB {

    CGPoint dAP = CGPointMake(origin.longitude - pointA.longitude, origin.latitude - pointA.latitude);
    CGPoint dAB = CGPointMake(pointB.longitude - pointA.longitude, pointB.latitude - pointA.latitude);
    CGFloat dot = dAP.x * dAB.x + dAP.y * dAB.y;
    CGFloat squareLength = dAB.x * dAB.x + dAB.y * dAB.y;
    CGFloat param = dot / squareLength;

    CGPoint nearestPoint;
    if (param < 0 || (pointA.longitude == pointB.longitude && pointA.latitude == pointB.latitude)) {
        nearestPoint.x = pointA.longitude;
        nearestPoint.y = pointA.latitude;
    } else if (param > 1) {
        nearestPoint.x = pointB.longitude;
        nearestPoint.y = pointB.latitude;
    } else {
        nearestPoint.x = pointA.longitude + param * dAB.x;
        nearestPoint.y = pointA.latitude + param * dAB.y;

    CGFloat dx = origin.longitude - nearestPoint.x;
    CGFloat dy = origin.latitude - nearestPoint.y;
    return sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy) * 100;

于 2015-06-05T20:51:44.407 回答


distance = sqrt(  pow((point1.x - point2.x), 2)   +   pow((point1.y - point2.y), 2)  )

然后,如果距离大于 100m,则沿线段添加中间点。

于 2013-03-23T08:28:56.330 回答