I need to write some annotation processors. I found this blog post which mentions how that can be done in a general setting and with Eclipse.
However I am using IntelliJ IDEA and Gradle, and woud like it if there were a better (as in, less tedious) approach to do it. What I am looking for:
- I should be able to write both annotation processors and the code that will be consuming them in the same project and Gradle should handle adding the processors to class path and invoking them with javac at approrpiate stage.
OR - If the above is not possible and I have to create two separate projects, then at least it should be possible to keep them in the same git repository. Gradle should handle the build seamlessly.
OR - If neither is possible and I have to create two separate git repositories, then at the very least, Gradle should handle the things mentioned in the linked blog post seamlessly without further manual intervention.
My git and Gradle skills are beginner level. I would appreciate any help with this task. Thank you.