我目前正在尝试在 Android 应用程序中获取 openstreet 地图的在线地图视图。但我找不到任何解释如何做到这一点的教程。有人可以帮我怎么做吗?或者给我一些建议。我发现了一些像 osmdroid 这样的应用程序,但它使用嵌入式地图。不是在线的。



1 回答 1


osmdrid is a library you can use in your own app. It is a tile besed rather than vector based solution. It supports online as well as offline maps. There are examples availible and some documentation as well as a discussion groupe bug tracker etc. check the project page.

There is a very good list of libraries to help with OpenStreetMap on the on the OpenStreetMap web pages.

于 2013-03-22T11:54:32.113 回答