我的项目是在 C# Grid 模板项目上创建的。只有布局和数据不同。在项目详情页面中,有 5 张图片和 1 篇文章。通过执行以下操作:进入一项详细信息页面,然后返回,然后重新输入,然后返回,经过几个步骤(如果速度快,则为 10 步),应用程序崩溃。

注意:在桌面上是可以的,但在显示器上会发生,设备(pad)也会发生。最后一个是app无法通过windows store认证的原因。

以下是在 VS 2012 中使用 win 8 RTM 报告的错误:


消息:运行时遇到致命错误。错误地址位于线程 0x1a84 上的 0x5d039293。错误代码为 0x80131544。此错误可能是 CLR 中的错​​误或用户代码的不安全或不可验证部分中的错误。此错误的常见来源包括 COM 互操作或 PInvoke 的用户封送错误,这可能会损坏堆栈。


PS:这是一个非常非常简单的项目,我什至通过模板创建了一个,只是更改了项目详细信息页面的布局并添加了要加载的图像和文本。所以当然它没有使用一些错误/疯狂/荒谬的代码,甚至没有访问网络。在 loadState/saveState 方法中,可以引用 C# Grid 模板。


1 回答 1


This sounds like what I ran into last night, actually. It is well known from recent release previews and is still persistent. There is no known solution, and you can't catch and handle the error, nor can you debug it. It's a total explosion.

The issue can sometimes be worked around by adding an element, such as a border, around images in your application.

It has something to do with navigating between separate pages and image load/animation events. For my project, I simply reduced my navigation and had all of my substantial effort take place on one page, programatically adding and removing elements as necessary, to avoid frame.navigate

See the following:


于 2012-09-18T16:32:29.500 回答