文件位置:/var/www/app.site.com/html/admin/functions/ihooks.php 行:600 消息:mysql_fetch_assoc() 期望参数 1 是资源,给定布尔值 错误类型:警告,错误编号:2 地址:http ://app.site.com/admin/main.php?action=report
这是它引用的函数(从第 584 行开始)
function ihook_ac_admin_get_noauth() {
$guest = array_merge(
ac_sql_default_row('acp_globalauth', true),
$guest['fullname'] = '';
$guest['campaigns_sent'] =
$guest['campaigns_sent_total'] =
$guest['emails_sent'] =
$guest['emails_sent_total'] = 0;
// here we should deal with groups
$guest['groups'] = array(1 => 1);
// here we should deal with allowed lists
$guest['lists'] = ac_sql_select_box_array("SELECT listid, listid FROM #list_group WHERE groupid = 1");
// here we should deal with global permissions
$sql = ac_sql_query("SELECT * FROM #group WHERE id = 1");
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) ) {
// loop through all permissions in every group
foreach ( $row as $k => $v ) {
// looking for perms only
if ( substr($k, 0, 3) == 'pg_' or substr($k, 0, 2) == 'p_' ) {
// if not set, or has NO ACCESS, overwrite
if ( !isset($guest[$k]) or !$guest[$k] ) {
$guest[$k] = $row[$k];