下面演示了使用 CTE 生成日期表并使用 CTE 生成摘要报告。当销售代表没有适用的销售额时,他们会从结果中省略。
-- Sample data.
declare @Sales as Table ( rep_id Int, month_yr Date, num_sales Int );
insert into @Sales ( rep_id, month_yr, num_sales ) values
( 1, '01/01/2012', 3 ),
( 1, '05/01/2012', 1 ),
( 1, '11/01/2012', 1 ),
( 2, '02/01/2012', 1 ),
( 2, '05/01/2012', 2 );
select * from @Sales;
-- Reporting parameters.
declare @ReportEnd as Date = DateAdd( day, 1 - Day( GetDate() ), GetDate() ); -- The first of the current month.
declare @ReportMonths as Int = 6; -- Number of months to report.
declare @RollingMonths as Int = 12; -- Number of months in rolling sums.
-- Report.
-- A CTE generates a table of month/year combinations covering the desired reporting time period.
with ReportingIntervals as (
select DateAdd( month, 1 - @ReportMonths, @ReportEnd ) as ReportingInterval,
DateAdd( month, 1 - @RollingMonths, DateAdd( month, 1 - @ReportMonths, @ReportEnd ) ) as FirstRollingMonth
union all
select DateAdd( month, 1, ReportingInterval ), DateAdd( month, 1, FirstRollingMonth )
from ReportingIntervals
where ReportingInterval < @ReportEnd )
-- Join the CTE with the sample data and summarize.
select RI.ReportingInterval, S.rep_id, Sum( S.num_sales ) as R12_Sum
from ReportingIntervals as RI left outer join
@Sales as S on RI.FirstRollingMonth <= S.month_yr and S.month_yr <= RI.ReportingInterval
group by RI.ReportingInterval, S.rep_id
order by RI.ReportingInterval, S.rep_id