我遇到了 WebClient.DownloadFile() 的问题,它在慢速连接上始终错误地下载文件。下载不正确,我的意思是文件的大小(以字节为单位)与预期的大小不匹配。它可以在正常的以太网连接上正常下载。这是代码:
internal void Start(List<FileInformation> fileList)
filesCompleted = 0;
totalNumberFiles = fileList.Count;
using (webClient = new WebClient())
foreach (var file in fileList.OrderBy(x => x.Name))
if (file.Size > 0)
File.Create(AppStrings.FilebinPath + file.Name);
UpdateProgress(Convert.ToDouble(((filesCompleted / (double)totalNumberFiles) * 100).ToString("N2")));
private void DownloadFile(FileInformation file)
var filePath = AppStrings.FilebinPath + file.Name;
webClient.DownloadFile(new Uri(AppStrings.FilebinServer + file.Name), filePath);
//Recursively retry the download until it downloads correctly.
if ((new FileInfo(filePath).Length != file.Size))
//Added this debugging info to figure out what is going wrong.
AppLog.WriteError("Failed to download file: " + filePath + "\nSize downloaded: " + new FileInfo(filePath).Length + "\nCorrect size: " + file.Size);
编辑:这不是重复的,因为问题是关于同步下载文件,它询问最可靠的方法是什么。另一个主题是询问为什么 DownloadFilesAsync 无法正确下载文件。
编辑2:尝试了以下代码并得到了与我的第一条评论@David 中描述的相同的行为:
byte[] data = null;
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(AppStrings.FilebinServer + file.Name));
webRequest.ProtocolVersion = Version.Parse("1.0");
using (var webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse())
using (var streamReader = webResponse.GetResponseStream())
data = new byte[(int)webResponse.ContentLength];
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
data[i] = Convert.ToByte(streamReader.ReadByte());