“Namespace.MyEntity”是什么样的?它是否参与了 TPT 继承映射策略?
如果是这样,您是否与其他 TPT 实体有任何 1|1 关系(<--不太可能)或 1|* 关系?
我在这里完全是在猜测,但这需要反复试验才能弄清楚,所以我会发布它以帮助任何搜索您的错误和 [-- TPT | 每种类型的表 | 必填 | 关系 | 家长 | 儿童 | 共享 | 基地 | 抽象的 - ]
在我的场景中,当我需要 modelBuilder.Entity().HasRequired(x => x.TPT_Derived_Parent_Class).WithOptional(); 我被迫让 TPT_Derived_Child_Class 从一个单独的项目基类继承而不是 TPT_Derived_Parent_Class
我发现,在我的解决方案中,当您的 TPT 派生类具有引用从不同 TPT 父类派生的类的不可空字段时,Code First 以正确的顺序发现实体非常重要
当我将 TPT 用于派生(二级)基类和派生自第二级基类之间需要外键关系。
public abstract ProjectBaseClass : IProjectBase
public int ProjectClassesId {get;set;}
public abstract TPT_Specialized_Base_Class1 : ProjectBaseClass
//...specialized stuff in here
public abstract TPT_Specialized_Base_Class2: ProjectBaseClass
//...specialized stuff in here
public TPT_Child_Concrete_Class : TPT_Specialized_Base_Class1
public int TPT_Parent_Concrete_Class_KeyId {get;set;};
[ForeignKey("TPT_Parent_Concrete_Class_KeyId ")]
TPT_Parent_Concrete_Class ParentSpecializedClass {get;set;};
public TPT_Parent_Concrete_Class : TPT_Specialized_Base_Class2
//optional relationship
public int? TPT_Child_Concrete_Class_KeyId {get;set;};
TPT_Child_Concrete_Class ChildSpecializedClass {get;set;};
public projectContext: DbContext
public DbSet<TPT_Specialized_Base_Class1>
public DbSet<TPT_Specialized_Base_Class2>
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// There is no configuration I could find that would make the model above work!
// However, if you make each TPT_Specialized_Base_Class inherit from different
// ProjectBaseClass like:
public ProjectBaseClass1 : IProjectBase
public ProjectBaseClass2 : IProjectBase
public TPT_Specialized_Base_Class1 : ProjectBaseClass1 {...}
// and
public TPT_Specialized_Base_Class2 : ProjectBaseClass2 {...}
// or, more sensible...
public TPT_Specialized_Base_Class1 : IProjectBase
// and
public TPT_Specialized_Base_Class2 : IProjectBase
// then you can do the following, making sure you *discover* the child TPT base
// class first
modelBuilder.Entity<TPT_Specialized_Base_Class1>() //this one is inherited by the derived class that has the *required* reference to a TPT derived parent
.Ignore(x => x.PropertyNamedInErrorMessage);
.Ignore(x => x.PropertyNamedInErrorMessage);
// when I flipped the order of the classes above, it could not determine the
// principal end of the relationship, had a invalid multiplicity, or just wouldn't
// save...can't really remember what it was crying about...
.HasRequired(x => x.TPT_Parent_Concrete_Class ).WithOptional();
& ProjectBaseClass2