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<h2>Need A Repair?</h2>
<p><b>Get a free repair quotation!</b></p>
<p class = "repair_first">We have built test rigs to ensure that your part is fully repaired</p>
<p class = "repair_second">All repairs come with a 12 month free warranty</p>
<a href = "repair_enquiry"><h3>Contact us today for a free repair quote</h3></a>
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<p class = "siemens_first"><b>Lektronix have a wide range of Siemens spares in stock.</b></p>
<p class = "siemens_second">Lektronix Repair and Support the whole range of Siemens S5 and S7 equipment including OP HMI Screens and PG Programmers. </p>
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<h2>Free Repair Collection and Evaluation Service</h2>
<h3>Do you have a faulty part that needs repairing? Lektronix will pick up your part and repair it.</h3>
<p class = "title"><b>Get your faulty part repaired in 3 simple steps:</b></p>
<p class = "firststep"><a href = "general_enquiry"><b>1. Send an enquiry</b></a></p>
<p class = "steps"><b>2. We'll arrange to collect your part for free </b></p>
<p class = "steps"><b>3. Lektronix will fix and return your part to you</b></p>
<p class = "link">Learn more about our <a href = "repair-collection"><b>FREE Repair Collection Service</b></a></p>
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