我有 x64 位,下载了 32 位(那是因为 lib 文件几乎没有错误,所以我必须使用 32 位)在这里做了一切:http: //dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/ zh/connector-cpp-apps-windows-visual-studio.html#connector-cpp-application-build-dynamic




#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

  Include directly the different
  headers from cppconn/ and mysql_driver.h + mysql_util.h
  (and mysql_connection.h). This will reduce your build time!
#include "mysql_connection.h"

#include <cppconn/driver.h>
#include <cppconn/exception.h>
#include <cppconn/resultset.h>
#include <cppconn/statement.h>
using namespace std;

int main(void)
cout << endl;
cout << "Running 'SELECT 'Hello World!' » AS _message'..." << endl;

try {
  sql::Driver *driver;
  sql::Connection *con;
  sql::Statement *stmt;
  sql::ResultSet *res;

  /* Create a connection */
  driver = get_driver_instance();
  con = driver->connect("tcp://", "root", "pass");//
  /* Connect to the MySQL test database */

  stmt = con->createStatement();
  res = stmt->executeQuery("SELECT 'Hello World!' AS _message");
  while (res->next()) {
    cout << "\t... MySQL replies: ";
    /* Access column data by alias or column name */
    cout << res->getString("_message") << endl;
    cout << "\t... MySQL says it again: ";
    /* Access column fata by numeric offset, 1 is the first column */
    cout << res->getString(1) << endl;
  delete res;
  delete stmt;
  delete con;

} catch (sql::SQLException &e) {
  cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__;
  cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " << __LINE__ << endl;
  cout << "# ERR: " << e.what();
  cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode();
  cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl;

cout << endl;


1 回答 1



#include <mysql.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// just going to input the general details and not the port numbers
struct connection_details
    char *server;
    char *user;
    char *password;
    char *database;

MYSQL* mysql_connection_setup(struct connection_details mysql_details)
     // first of all create a mysql instance and initialize the variables within
    MYSQL *connection = mysql_init(NULL);

    // connect to the database with the details attached.
    if (!mysql_real_connect(connection,mysql_details.server, mysql_details.user, mysql_details.password, mysql_details.database, 0, NULL, 0)) {
      printf("Conection error : %s\n", mysql_error(connection));
    return connection;

MYSQL_RES* mysql_perform_query(MYSQL *connection, char *sql_query)
   // send the query to the database
   if (mysql_query(connection, sql_query))
      printf("MySQL query error : %s\n", mysql_error(connection));

   return mysql_use_result(connection);

int main()
  MYSQL *conn;      // the connection
  MYSQL_RES *res;   // the results
  MYSQL_ROW row;    // the results row (line by line)

  struct connection_details mysqlD;
  mysqlD.server = "localhost";  // where the mysql database is
  mysqlD.user = "mysqlusername";        // the root user of mysql   
  mysqlD.password = "mysqlpassword"; // the password of the root user in mysql
  mysqlD.database = "mysql";    // the databse to pick

  // connect to the mysql database
  conn = mysql_connection_setup(mysqlD);

  // assign the results return to the MYSQL_RES pointer
  res = mysql_perform_query(conn, "show tables");

  printf("MySQL Tables in mysql database:\n");
  while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) !=NULL)
      printf("%s\n", row[0]);

  /* clean up the database result set */
  /* clean up the database link */

  return 0;


于 2013-03-20T00:46:44.400 回答