我的问题是我不知道在 VBA 中调用了哪些函数(在 C++ 中)或方法(在 Java 中)。
我没有接受过任何正式的 VBA 培训,所以我在这方面有点糟糕。我想创建一个函数(或方法或子)来执行此 for 循环正在执行的操作:
useInput = titles.Text
useRec = rec.Text
lastRow = 1
For Each rngCell In rngData.Columns(1).Cells 'Traverse each row in Spreadsheet
If useInput = rngCell.Value And LCase(useRec) = LCase(Cells(lastRow, 2)) Then 'If what the user input into the textbox matches a value in the spreadsheet
bothExist = True 'Set this to true, because both exist
otherUserForm.Show 'Call another userform created
titles = "" 'Set entries to null
rec = ""
Exit For 'Exit the for loop
End If
lastRow = lastRow + 1 'Counter
Next rngCell