Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Dim Cell As Range
Dim SelectedRange As Range
Set SelectedRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:K50")
Dim Rows As Integer
Dim Columns As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Rows = SelectedRange.Rows.Count
Columns = SelectedRange.Columns.Count
For i = 1 To Rows
For j = 1 To Columns
Set Cell = SelectedRange.Cells(i, j)
Call ClearHyperlinks(Cell)
End Sub
Sub ClearHyperlinks(Cell As Range)
'''''''''' Font Properties''''''''''''''
Dim fName As Variant
Dim fFontStyle As Variant
Dim fSize As Variant
Dim fStrikethrough As Variant
Dim fSuperscript As Variant
Dim fSubscript As Variant
Dim fOutlineFont As Variant
Dim fShadow As Variant
Dim fUnderline As Variant
Dim fThemeColor As Variant
Dim fTintAndShade As Variant
Dim fThemeFont As Variant
With Cell.Font
fName = .Name
fFontStyle = .FontStyle
fSize = .Size
fStrikethrough = .Strikethrough
fSuperscript = .Superscript
fSubscript = .Subscript
fOutlineFont = .OutlineFont
fShadow = .Shadow
fUnderline = .Underline
fThemeColor = .ThemeColor
fTintAndShade = .TintAndShade
fThemeFont = .ThemeFont
End With
''''''''''Interior Properties''''''''''''''
Dim iPattern As Variant
Dim iPatternColorIndex As Variant
Dim iThemeColor As Variant
Dim iTintAndShade As Variant
Dim iPatternTintAndShade As Variant
With Cell.Interior
iPattern = .Pattern
iPatternColorIndex = .PatternColorIndex
iThemeColor = .ThemeColor
iTintAndShade = .TintAndShade
iPatternTintAndShade = .PatternTintAndShade
End With
''''''''''''' Number Format '''''''''
Dim NumberFormat As Variant
NumberFormat = Cell.NumberFormat
'''''''''''''' Delete Hyeperlinks
''''''''''''''''''Restore properties'''''''''''''''
Cell.NumberFormat = NumberFormat
With Cell.Font
.Name = fName
.FontStyle = fFontStyle
.Size = fSize
.Strikethrough = fStrikethrough
.Superscript = fSuperscript
.Subscript = fSubscript
.OutlineFont = fOutlineFont
.Shadow = fShadow
.Underline = fUnderline
.ThemeColor = fThemeColor
.TintAndShade = fTintAndShade
.ThemeFont = fThemeFont
End With
With Cell.Interior
.Pattern = iPattern
.PatternColorIndex = iPatternColorIndex
.ThemeColor = iThemeColor
.TintAndShade = iTintAndShade
.PatternTintAndShade = iPatternTintAndShade
End With
End Sub