I'm trying to follow with Watir links with spaces and "http://"-s in them. Doing it manually I'm able to copy-paste something like that:


into the browser address bar, and open the proper page. When I assign this string to a variable url_string in ruby code and do "puts url_string" I see that string in exactly this way (with %20-s in it). When I use it with watir webdriver's "b.goto url_string" it shows "car navigation systems" instead of "car%20navigation%20systems" in the browser, and obviously it doesn't work.

When I "require open-uri" and instead of doing "b.goto url_string" use "b.goto URI::encode(url_string)" I see in the browser that %20 was replaced with %2520 ("car%2520navigation%2520systems") – and again it's not working.

What should I do with the strings like that (which works OK with manual copy-pasting into a browser) to properly use them with b.goto?



UPDATE: so far b.goto url_string.gsub("%20", "+") worked for most of the URLs.


1 回答 1


This turned out to be working:

url_string = "http://somewebsite.com/car%20navigation%20systems/products~NS-1~linkin_id-8016137~cid-3220953854?ef_id=test:@a-b"
b.goto url_string.gsub("%20", "+")
于 2013-03-18T19:07:19.453 回答