At my workplace, we're using Tfs 2010 and CMMI 4.2.

I want to force the check-ins to have 3 types of reviewers.

If some developer check-ins some code, it must be reviewed by 3 senior developers for performance issues, error management issues and localization issues.

So I want to keep the change-set in some sort of pending state, until all reviewers approve the change.

I want to ensure that a change-set is approved due to that 3 aspects and then participate in the build.

Is it possible to have some pending change-sets, or some kind of workflow for check-ins?


2 回答 2



这确实是 TFS 2012 自己的内部代码审查系统的方式。当您请求代码审查时,它只是将其放在架子上。创建代码审查时,您还具有其他功能,您可以指定审查者的数量以及您希望谁进行审查。它可能适合您的需求。


于 2013-03-11T21:42:57.673 回答

您可以定义所需的签到说明:“高级审阅者 1”、“高级审阅者 2”、“高级审阅者 3”。然后,在每次签到时,开发人员都必须填写姓名。请注意,没有强制执行 - 开发人员可以撒谎或输入“NA”。

TFS2012 有一个代码审查系统,可以正式执行这个过程。虽然我不知道细节。

于 2013-03-12T08:14:19.237 回答