这是 Python 语法的一个子集:

single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE

stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE

small_stmt: pass_stmt
pass_stmt: 'pass'

compound_stmt: if_stmt
if_stmt: 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]

suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT

(您可以在 Python SVN 存储库中阅读完整的语法:http: //svn.python.org/.../Grammar

我正在尝试使用此语法在 Python 中为 Python 生成解析器。我遇到的麻烦是如何将INDENTandDEDENT标记表示为 pyparsing 对象。


import pyparsing as p

string_start = (p.Literal('"""') | "'''" | '"' | "'")
string_token = ('\\' + p.CharsNotIn("",exact=1) | p.CharsNotIn('\\',exact=1))
string_end = p.matchPreviousExpr(string_start)

terminals = {
    'NEWLINE': p.Literal('\n').setWhitespaceChars(' \t')
    'ENDMARKER': p.stringEnd.copy().setWhitespaceChars(' \t')
    'NAME': (p.Word(p.alphas + "_", p.alphanums + "_", asKeyword=True))
    'NUMBER': p.Combine(
            p.Word(p.nums) + p.CaselessLiteral("l") |
            (p.Word(p.nums) + p.Optional("." + p.Optional(p.Word(p.nums))) | "." + p.Word(p.nums)) +
                p.Optional(p.CaselessLiteral("e") + p.Optional(p.Literal("+") | "-") + p.Word(p.nums)) +
    'STRING': p.Combine(
            p.Optional(p.CaselessLiteral('u')) +
            p.Optional(p.CaselessLiteral('r')) +
            string_start + p.ZeroOrMore(~string_end + string_token) + string_end

    # I can't find a good way of parsing indents/dedents.
    # The Grammar just has the tokens NEWLINE, INDENT and DEDENT scattered accross the rules.
    # A single NEWLINE would be translated to NEWLINE + PEER (from pyparsing.indentedBlock()), unless followed by INDENT or DEDENT
    # That NEWLINE and IN/DEDENT could be spit across rule boundaries. (see the 'suite' rule)
    'INDENT': (p.LineStart() + p.Optional(p.Word(' '))).setName('INDENT'),
    'DEDENT': (p.LineStart() + p.Optional(p.Word(' '))).setName('DEDENT')



(查看pyparsing 源代码,看看我在说什么)

你可以在这里看到我的完整源代码:http: //pastebin.ca/1609860


1 回答 1


pyparsing wiki示例页面上有几个示例可以为您提供一些见解:

要使用 pyparsing's indentedBlock,我认为您将定义suite为:

indentstack = [1]
suite = indentedBlock(stmt, indentstack, True)

请注意,在 pyparsingindentedGrammarExample.py中包含的日期indentedBlock早,它自己的缩进解析实现也是如此。

于 2009-10-10T15:24:35.377 回答