我是一个Java新手,所以我可能完全错误地做这整件事。我必须为软件工程课做这个巨大的项目。代码长约 2,000 行,所以这是骨架代码

public class BookRental extends JFrame{
   public Client currentClient = new Client(); // creating client object
   //rest of declared variables.

   public class Client{                        //Client class containing all get/set methods for each variable
   private username;
   private void setUsername(String u){
      username = u;
   public String getUsername(){
      return username;

   public class LoginPanel extends JPanel{}    //Panel to show and receive login info.
   public class RegisterPanel extends JPanel{} //Panel to register.
   public class MenuPanel extends JPanel{      //Panel showing main menu.
      //At this point currentClient will contain values
      public ClientInfoPanel(){
      private void initComponents(){
         infoPanelUserName = new JLabel();
         infoPanelFullName.setText("Currently logged in as: " + currentClient.getUsername());
      private JLabel infoPanelUserName;
   public class ClientInfoPanel extends JPanel{} //Panel to print currentClient info to screen using JLabel objects

   private void ViewClientInfoButtonActionPerformed(event){  // Using button in Menu Panel to setVisibility of clientInfoPanel to (true)
      //At this point there will be a value for currentClient
      clientInfoPanel = new ClientInfoPanel();
   public BookRental(){initComponents();} //Constructor
   private void initComponents(){}             // Creates all panels and sets visibility off, besides login

   public static void main(String args[]){
       new BookRental().setVisible(true);


我已经很确定我这样做完全错了,但是我的问题是为什么我不能在 ClientInfoPanel 中访问 c​​urrentClient?说这个 JLabel:

infoPanelUserName.setText("Currently logged in as: " + currentClient.getUsername());

ClientInfoPanel 识别 currentClient 存在并且 getUsername() 方法存在,但是它打印:



2 回答 2


您显示的代码看起来不错,所以问题出在其他地方,或者此代码不能代表您所拥有的。此外,您正在成功访问 currentClient,除非您收到 NullPointerException 或在某处捕获它,否则 .getUsername() 调用正在解析。所以问题实际上出在 .getUsername() 上,当您调用 .getUsername() 时,不知何故用户名未初始化;

作为测试,您可以在调用 .getUsername() 之前在 currentClient 上调用 .setUsername() 吗?这应该有助于我们缩小问题范围,将其隔离到类访问或正在初始化的变量。

另外,您知道如何使用断点进行调试吗?你提到你是新人,所以你可能不知道这是可能的。如果您使用的是 Eclipse(或其他好的 IDE),您可以设置断点并在 DEBUG 构建中运行程序,然后程序将在遇到您设置断点的行时冻结,并且您可以观察程序移动行行,并查看程序更新的变量。谷歌java调试教程。:)

于 2012-05-01T22:05:05.807 回答

我同意(不确定我是否应该添加,因为其他人已经回答了,礼仪是什么?)。我运行得很好,它向我显示了一个面板,其中用户以我的身份登录,如 BookRental 构造函数中设置的那样:

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class BookRental extends JFrame{
   public Client currentClient = new Client(); // creating client object
   //rest of declared variables.

   public class Client{                        //Client class containing all get/set methods for each variable
     private String username;
     private void setUsername(String u){
      username = u;
     public String getUsername(){
      return username;

   public class ClientInfoPanel extends JPanel{      //Panel showing main menu.
      //At this point currentClient will contain values
      public ClientInfoPanel(){
      private void initComponents(){
         infoPanelUserName = new JLabel();
         infoPanelUserName.setText("Currently logged in as: " + currentClient.getUsername());
      private JLabel infoPanelUserName;
   public ClientInfoPanel clientInfoPanel;

   public BookRental(){
   private void initComponents(){
       clientInfoPanel = new ClientInfoPanel();

   public static void main(String args[]){

       new BookRental().setVisible(true);
于 2012-05-01T22:10:57.743 回答