

例如,如果您以 20 美元开始,并且您在第一轮中赢得赌注,在接下来的两轮中输掉赌注,然后在第四轮中赢得赌注,您最终会得到 20+1-1-2 +4 = 22 美元。

您应该完成函数 , getFinalAmount,它有两个参数:

  1. 第一个参数是一个整数initialAmount,它是我们开始投注时的初始金额。
  2. 第二个参数是一个字符串betResults。结果的第 i 个字符将是“W”(赢)或“L”(输),表示第 i 轮的结果。您的函数应该返回您在所有回合结束后将拥有的金额。



var amountInHand = 15;
var possiblities = "LLLWLLLL";

static int Calculate(int amountInHand, string possibles)
    var lastBet = 1;

    foreach (char c in possiblities)
        if (c == 'W')
            amountInHand = amountInHand + 1;
        else if (c == 'L')

            var loss = 0;
            if (lastBet == 1)
                loss = lastBet;
            else if (lastBet > 1)
                loss = lastBet * 2;
            amountInHand = amountInHand - loss;
    return amountInHand;


1st round - Loss: 15-1 = 14
2nd round - Loss: 14-2 = 12 (Bet doubles)
3rd round - Loss: 12-4 = 8
4th round - Win: 8 + 8 = 16
5th round - Loss:16-1 = 15 (Since the previous bet was a win, this bet has a value of 1 dollar)
6th round - Loss: 15-2 = 13
7th round - Loss: 13-4 = 9
8th round - Loss: 9-8 = 1

2 回答 2



      var amountInHand = 15;

        var possiblities = "LLLWLLLL";
        var lastBet = 1;

        foreach (char c in possiblities)
            if (c == 'W')
                amountInHand = amountInHand + lastBet;
                lastBet = 1;
            else if (c == 'L')
                amountInHand = amountInHand - lastBet;
                lastBet = lastBet * 2;
            //handle running out of money
            if (lastBet > amountInHand) return amountInHand;
于 2013-03-18T10:48:14.717 回答


return possibilities.Aggregate(new{b=1,c=amountInHand,x=1},(l,o)=>l.x<0?l:o=='W'?new{b=1,c=l.c+l.b,x=1}:new{b=l.b*2,c=l.c-l.b,x=(l.c-l.b)-(l.b*2)}).c;


private static int getFinalAmount(string q, int w)
    return possibilities.Aggregate(new { b = 1, c = amountInHand, x = false }, //initial seed gets the flag for cancel set to false
                    (l, o) =>
        l.x     //if our cancel flag is set, 
            ? l      //just return the same result
            : o == 'W'   //if the outcome was a win
                        //do the math and now also set a cancel flag to false (if we won, we can make our next bet for sure)
                ? new { b = 1, c = l.c + l.b, x = false }
                        //do our math again, but this time the cancel flag is tricky.  
                : new { b = l.b * 2, c = l.c - l.b,
                                //we cancel if our new amount will be less than our new bet.  
                                //Note, we can't use the new values that we just set in the same section - 
                                //they're not available yet so we have duplicate math here.
                            x = (l.c - l.b) < (l.b * 2) })
                    .c;   //all the function returns is the current amount
于 2014-04-24T13:59:44.327 回答