试试Button_GetIdealSize 宏。
好的,大卫,下次请提供更多信息,把你不明白的地方说出来,因为从你评论中的问题我可以推断你不仅不熟悉 Win API,而且你对 C/C++ 编程也很陌生一般来说。
HWND buttonHandle = CreateWindowEx(BS_PUSHBUTTON, "BUTTON", "OK",
50, 220, 100, 24,
SIZE size;
if (!Button_GetIdealSize(buttonHandle, &size)) {
// Call of `Button_GetIdealSize` failed, do proper error handling here.
// For that you have various options:
// 1. Exit current scope and return error code;
// 2. Throw an exception;
// 3. Terminate execution of your application and print an error message.
// Of course these options can be mixed.
// If you don't understand what I'm talking about here, then either skip this
// check or start reading books on software development with C/C++.
// At this point `size` variable was filled with proper dimensions.
// Now we can use it to actually resize our button...
if (!MoveWindow(buttonHandle, 50, 220, (int)size.cx, (int)size.cy, TRUE)) {
// Call of `MoveWindow` failed, do proper error handling here, again.
// We are done!
注意:您的问题的标题不正确。C++ 与按钮和 Win API 无关,顺便说一下,这是纯 C。更好的标题是:Win API:如何正确调整按钮大小以适应其内容?