我是一名音频工程师,刚刚开始使用 JavaScript 和 HTML5,特别是 WEB 音频 API。
//creating the context
context = new webkitAudioContext(); //allways the first code for audio API
function osc1(frequency){ // Creating a function that has an oscillator going to gainNode and then going to the destination
//creating AudioNodes and AudioParams
//creating OscillatorNode
var oscillator = context.createOscillator(); //creating Node's as Variables
oscillator.type = 0; //0 is a sine wave
oscillator.noteOn(0); // turning on the oscillator
oscillator.frequency.value = frequency;// telling that frequency in () of the function equals to what
//creating GainNode
var gain = context.createGainNode(); // creating the Gain node
gain.gain.value = 1; // setting up the value for gain node
//Making the connections
oscillator.connect(gain); // connecting oscillator to gain
gain.connect(context.destination); // connecting gain to destination (speakers)
}; // now we have a function called osc1(we can put frequency in here) then we can re call
<input type="button" value="on" onClick="osc1(500);" />