#pragma once // remove intellisense error
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Tim Henry.
// Copyright (c) 2013 __Pearson Education__. All rights reserved.
// Listing 16-4.
/** Link-based implementation of the ADT binary search tree.
@file BinarySearchTree.h */
#include "BinaryTreeInterface.h"
#include "BinaryNode.h"
#include "BinaryNodeTree.h"
#include "NotFoundException.h"
#include "PrecondViolatedExcep.h"
template<class ItemType>
class BinarySearchTree : public BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>
BinaryNode<ItemType>* rootPtr;
// Protected Utility Methods Section:
// Recursive helper methods for the public methods.
// Recursively finds where the given node should be placed and
// inserts it in a leaf at that point.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* insertInorder(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr,
BinaryNode<ItemType>* newNode);
// Removes the given target value from the tree while maintaining a
// binary search tree.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* removeValue(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr,
const ItemType target,
bool& success);
// Removes a given node from a tree while maintaining a
// binary search tree.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* removeNode(BinaryNode<ItemType>* nodePtr);
// Removes the leftmost node in the left subtree of the node
// pointed to by nodePtr.
// Sets inorderSuccessor to the value in this node.
// Returns a pointer to the revised subtree.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* removeLeftmostNode(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr,
ItemType& inorderSuccessor);
// Returns a pointer to the node containing the given value,
// or nullptr if not found.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* findNode(BinaryNode<ItemType>* treePtr,
const ItemType& target) const;
// Constructor and Destructor Section.
BinarySearchTree(const ItemType& rootItem);
BinarySearchTree(const BinarySearchTree<ItemType>& tree);
virtual ~BinarySearchTree();
// Public Methods Section.
bool isEmpty() const;
int getHeight() const;
int getNumberOfNodes() const;
ItemType getRootData() const throw(PrecondViolatedExcep);
void setRootData(const ItemType& newData) const
bool add(const ItemType& newEntry);
bool remove(const ItemType& anEntry);
void clear();
ItemType getEntry(const ItemType& anEntry) const
bool contains(const ItemType& anEntry) const;
// Public Traversals Section.
void preorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const;
void inorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const;
void postorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const;
// Overloaded Operator Section.
BinarySearchTree<ItemType>& operator=(const BinarySearchTree<ItemType>& rightHandSide);
}; // end BinarySearchTree
我收到了这个错误:在类的受保护部分中首次使用包括和超出它identifier "ItemType" is undefined
BinaryNode<ItemType>* rootPtr;
此外,它不喜欢 whenconst
#pragma once // removes intellisense error
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Tim Henry.
// Copyright (c) 2013 __Pearson Education__. All rights reserved.
/** Listing 15-1.
@file BinaryTreeInterface.h */
template<class ItemType>
class BinaryTreeInterface
/** Tests whether this binary tree is empty.
@return True if the binary tree is empty, or false if not. */
virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
/** Gets the height of this binary tree.
@return The height of the binary tree. */
virtual int getHeight() const = 0;
/** Gets the number of nodes in this binary tree.
@return The number of nodes in the binary tree. */
virtual int getNumberOfNodes() const = 0;
/** Gets the data that is in the root of this binary tree.
@pre The binary tree is not empty.
@post The root’s data has been returned, and the binary tree is unchanged.
@return The data in the root of the binary tree. */
virtual ItemType getRootData() const = 0;
/** Replaces the data item in the root of this binary tree
with the given data, if the tree is not empty. However, if
the tree is empty, inserts a new root node containing the
given data into the tree.
@pre None.
@post The data in the root of the binary tree is as given.
@param newData The data for the root. */
virtual void setRootData(const ItemType& newData) = 0;
/** Adds a new node containing the given data to this binary tree.
@param newData The data for the new node.
@post The binary tree contains a new node.
@return True if the addition is successful, or false not. */
virtual bool add(const ItemType& newData) = 0;
/** Removes the node containing the given data item from this binary tree.
@param data The data value to remove from the binary tree.
@return True if the removal is successful, or false not. */
virtual bool remove(const ItemType& data) = 0;
/** Removes all nodes from this binary tree. */
virtual void clear() = 0;
/** Gets a specific entry in this binary tree.
@post The desired entry has been returned, and the binary tree
is unchanged. If no such entry was found, an exception is thrown.
@param anEntry The entry to locate.
@return The entry in the binary tree that matches the given entry.
@throw NotFoundException if the given entry is not in the tree. */
virtual ItemType getEntry(const ItemType& anEntry) const
throw(NotFoundException) = 0;
/** Tests whether a given entry occurs in this binary tree.
@post The binary search tree is unchanged.
@param anEntry The entry to find.
@return True if the entry occurs in the tree, or false if not. */
virtual bool contains(const ItemType& anEntry) const = 0;
/** Traverses this binary tree in preorder (inorder, postorder) and
calls the function visit once for each node.
@param visit A client-defined function that performs an operation on
or with the data in each visited node. */
virtual void preorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const = 0;
virtual void inorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const = 0;
virtual void postorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const = 0;
}; // end BinaryTreeInterface
#pragma once // removes intellisense error
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Tim Henry.
// Copyright (c) 2013 __Pearson Education__. All rights reserved.
/** A class of nodes for a link-based binary tree.
Listing 16-2.
@file BinaryNode.h */
#ifndef _BINARY_NODE
#define _BINARY_NODE
template<class ItemType>
class BinaryNode
ItemType item; // Data portion
BinaryNode<ItemType>* leftChildPtr; // Pointer to left child
BinaryNode<ItemType>* rightChildPtr; // Pointer to right child
BinaryNode(const ItemType& anItem);
BinaryNode(const ItemType& anItem,
BinaryNode<ItemType>* leftPtr,
BinaryNode<ItemType>* rightPtr);
void setItem(const ItemType& anItem);
ItemType getItem() const;
bool isLeaf() const;
BinaryNode<ItemType>* getLeftChildPtr() const;
BinaryNode<ItemType>* getRightChildPtr() const;
void setLeftChildPtr(BinaryNode<ItemType>* leftPtr);
void setRightChildPtr(BinaryNode<ItemType>* rightPtr);
}; // end BinaryNode
#pragma once // removes intellisense error
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Tim Henry.
// Copyright (c) 2013 __Pearson Education__. All rights reserved.
/** ADT binary tree: Link-based implementation.
Listing 16-3.
@file BinaryNodeTree.h */
#include <iostream>
#include "BinaryTreeInterface.h"
#include "BinaryNode.h"
#include "PrecondViolatedExcep.h"
#include "NotFoundException.h"
template<class ItemType>
class BinaryNodeTree : public BinaryTreeInterface<ItemType>
BinaryNode<ItemType>* rootPtr;
// Protected Utility Methods Section:
// Recursive helper methods for the public methods.
int getHeightHelper(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr) const;
int getNumberOfNodesHelper(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr) const;
// Recursively deletes all nodes from the tree.
void destroyTree(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr);
// Recursively adds a new node to the tree in a left/right fashion to
// keep the tree balanced.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* balancedAdd(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr,
BinaryNode<ItemType>* newNodePtr);
// Removes the target value from the tree by calling moveValuesUpTree
// to overwrite value with value from child.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* removeValue(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr,
const ItemType target, bool& success);
// Copies values up the tree to overwrite value in current node until
// a leaf is reached; the leaf is then removed, since its value is
// stored in the parent.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* moveValuesUpTree(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr);
// Recursively searches for target value in the tree by using a
// preorder traversal.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* findNode(BinaryNode<ItemType>* treePtr,
const ItemType& target,
bool& success) const;
// Copies the tree rooted at treePtr and returns a pointer to
// the copy.
BinaryNode<ItemType>* copyTree(const BinaryNode<ItemType>* treePtr) const;
// Recursive traversal helper methods:
void preorder(void visit(ItemType&), BinaryNode<ItemType>* treePtr) const;
void inorder(void visit(ItemType&), BinaryNode<ItemType>* treePtr) const;
void postorder(void visit(ItemType&), BinaryNode<ItemType>* treePtr) const;
// Constructor and Destructor Section.
BinaryNodeTree(const ItemType& rootItem);
BinaryNodeTree(const ItemType& rootItem,
const BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>* leftTreePtr,
const BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>* rightTreePtr);
BinaryNodeTree(const BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>& tree);
virtual ~BinaryNodeTree();
// Public BinaryTreeInterface Methods Section.
bool isEmpty() const;
int getHeight() const;
int getNumberOfNodes() const;
ItemType getRootData() const throw(PrecondViolatedExcep);
void setRootData(const ItemType& newData);
bool add(const ItemType& newData); // Adds a node
bool remove(const ItemType& data); // Removes a node
void clear();
ItemType getEntry(const ItemType& anEntry) const throw(NotFoundException);
bool contains(const ItemType& anEntry) const;
// Public Traversals Section.
void preorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const;
void inorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const;
void postorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const;
// Overloaded Operator Section.
BinaryNodeTree& operator=(const BinaryNodeTree& rightHandSide);
}; // end BinaryNodeTree
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Tim Henry.
// Copyright (c) 2013 __Pearson Education__. All rights reserved.
/** @file BinaryTree.cpp */
// Protected Utility Methods Section
template<class ItemType>
int BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::getHeightHelper(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr) const
if (subTreePtr == nullptr)
return 0;
return 1 + max(getHeightHelper(subTreePtr->getLeftChildPtr()),
} // end getHeightHelper
template<class ItemType>
BinaryNode<ItemType>* BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::balancedAdd(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr,
BinaryNode<ItemType>* newNodePtr)
if (subTreePtr == nullptr)
return newNodePtr;
BinaryNode<ItemType>* leftPtr = subTreePtr->getLeftChildPtr();
BinaryNode<ItemType>* rightPtr = subTreePtr->getRightChildPtr();
if (getHeightHelper(leftPtr) > getHeightHelper(rightPtr))
rightPtr = balancedAdd(rightPtr , newNodePtr);
subTreePtr->setRightChildPtr(rightPtr );
leftPtr = balancedAdd(leftPtr, newNodePtr);
} // end if
return subTreePtr;
} // end if
} // end balancedAdd
template<class ItemType>
BinaryNode<ItemType>* BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::copyTree(const BinaryNode<ItemType>* treePtr) const
BinaryNode<ItemType>* newTreePtr = nullptr;
// Copy tree nodes during a preorder traversal
if (treePtr != nullptr)
// Copy node
newTreePtr = new BinaryNode<ItemType>(treePtr->getItem(), nullptr, nullptr);
} // end if
return newTreePtr;
} // end copyTree
template<class ItemType>
void BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::destroyTree(BinaryNode<ItemType>* subTreePtr)
if (subTreePtr != nullptr)
delete subTreePtr;
} // end if
} // end destroyTree
// Protected Tree Traversal Sub-Section
template<class ItemType>
void BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::inorder(void visit(ItemType&), BinaryNode<ItemType>* treePtr) const
if (treePtr != nullptr)
inorder(visit, treePtr->getLeftChildPtr());
ItemType theItem = treePtr->getItem();
inorder(visit, treePtr->getRightChildPtr());
} // end if
} // end inorder
// Constructor and Destructor Section
template<class ItemType>
BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::BinaryNodeTree() : rootPtr(nullptr)
} // end default constructor
template<class ItemType>
BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::BinaryNodeTree(const ItemType& rootItem)
rootPtr = new BinaryNode<ItemType>(rootItem, nullptr, nullptr);
} // end constructor
template<class ItemType>
BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::BinaryNodeTree(const ItemType& rootItem,
const BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>* leftTreePtr,
const BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>* rightTreePtr)
rootPtr = new BinaryNode<ItemType>(rootItem, copyTree(leftTreePtr->rootPtr),
} // end constructor
template<class ItemType>
BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::BinaryNodeTree(const BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>& treePtr)
rootPtr = copyTree(treePtr.rootPtr);
} // end copy constructor
template<class ItemType>
} // end destructor
// Public BinaryTreeInterface Methods Section
template<class ItemType>
bool BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::add(const ItemType& newData)
BinaryNode<ItemType>* newNodePtr = new BinaryNode<ItemType>(newData);
rootPtr = balancedAdd(rootPtr, newNodePtr);
return true;
} // end add
} // end contains
// Public Traversals Section
template<class ItemType>
void BinaryNodeTree<ItemType>::inorderTraverse(void visit(ItemType&)) const
inorder(visit, rootPtr);
} // end inorderTraverse