我一直在使用 DirectShow 过滤器将音频从一种格式转换和压缩到另一种格式。我使用 GraphStudio 和 GraphStudioNext 创建过滤器图,然后将其转换为 VB.Net 中的过滤器。直到现在,他们一直工作得很好。我正在尝试将 .wav 文件转换为 .mp3。使用 GraphStudio 和以下过滤器与默认连接链接在一起,我得到了压缩文件。FileSource-Async-->WaveParser-->MPEG Layer3--> WAV Dest --> Filewriter。
但是,当我在我的 VB.Net 程序中将相同的过滤器连接在一起时,我根本没有得到任何压缩。我什至尝试使用 IAMStreamConfig 接口设置压缩,但是当我枚举程序中的引脚时,GraphStudio 中显示的压缩不可用。功能(包括一些评论)如下。任何想法,建议非常感谢。
Private Function PlayInitMP3(ByVal path As String, ByVal dstPath As String) As Integer
Dim asyncReader As DirectShowNET.IBaseFilter = Nothing
Dim WaveParser As DirectShowNET.IBaseFilter = Nothing
'Dim ACMWrapper As DirectShowNET.IBaseFilter = Nothing
Dim MPEG3Wrapper As DirectShowNET.IBaseFilter = Nothing
Dim WavDestWrapper As DirectShowNET.IBaseFilter = Nothing
Dim fileSource As DirectShowNET.IFileSourceFilter = Nothing
Dim fileDestination As DirectShowNET.IBaseFilter = Nothing
Dim result As Integer = -1
Dim srcFileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo = New FileInfo(path)
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Starting Init", "", "")
'Set to Null Renderer
result = WaveParser.SetSyncSource(DBNull.Value)
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "SetSyncSource-WaveParser", result.ToString, "")
'result = ACMWrapper.SetSyncSource(DBNull.Value)
'Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "SetSyncSource-ACMWrapper", result.ToString, "")
result = MPEG3Wrapper.SetSyncSource(DBNull.Value)
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "SetSyncSource-MPEG3Wrapper", result.ToString, "")
result = WavDestWrapper.SetSyncSource(DBNull.Value)
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "SetSyncSource-WavDestWrapper", result.ToString, "")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If IsNothing(Me.graphBuilder) = False Then
Me.mediaSeeking = Nothing
Me.mediaControl = Nothing
Me.graphBuilder = Nothing
End If
' Create IGraphBuilder instance
Me.graphBuilder = New DirectShowNET.FilterGraph()
' Create MediaControl
' File source filter addition
asyncReader = New DirectShowNET.AsyncReader
result = graphBuilder.AddFilter(asyncReader, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path))
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "SourceFilter", result.ToString, "")
' Add Wave Parser
WaveParser = New DirectShowNET.WaveParser
result = Me.graphBuilder.AddFilter(WaveParser, "Wave Parser")
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "WaveParser", result.ToString, "")
'' Add ACMWrapper
'ACMWrapper = New DirectShowNET.ACMWrapper
'result = Me.graphBuilder.AddFilter(ACMWrapper, "ACMWrapper Parser")
'Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ACMWrapper", result.ToString, "")
' Add MPEG3Wrapper
MPEG3Wrapper = New DirectShowNET.MPEG3Layer
result = Me.graphBuilder.AddFilter(MPEG3Wrapper, "MPEG3Layer Parser")
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "MPEG3Wrapper", result.ToString, "")
' Add WAVDest
WavDestWrapper = New DirectShowNET.WaveDestination
result = Me.graphBuilder.AddFilter(WavDestWrapper, "WaveDestination")
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "WaveDestination", result.ToString, "")
' FileWriter filter addition
fileDestination = New DirectShowLib.FileWriter
Dim fs As DirectShowLib.IFileSinkFilter = DirectCast(fileDestination, DirectShowLib.IFileSinkFilter)
result = fs.SetFileName(dstPath, Nothing)
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "FileWriter", result.ToString, "")
result = Me.graphBuilder.AddFilter(DirectCast(fileDestination, DirectShowNET.IBaseFilter), "Filewriter")
' Set the Filename using the IFileSinkFilter interface
' The file is loaded.
fileSource = asyncReader
result = fileSource.Load(path, Nothing)
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "SourceFileLoad", result.ToString, "")
' Wave Parser is connected with FileSourceFilter.
result = ConnectFilters(Me.graphBuilder, asyncReader, WaveParser)
Catch ex As Exception
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ConnectWaveParser", ex.Message, "")
End Try
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "WaveParser Result", result.ToString, "")
' Wave Parser is connected with MPEG3.
result = ConnectFilters(Me.graphBuilder, WaveParser, MPEG3Wrapper)
Catch ex As Exception
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ConnectWaveParser", ex.Message, "")
End Try
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "WaveParser Result", result.ToString, "")
'' ACMParser is connected with WaveParser.
' result = ConnectFilters(Me.graphBuilder, WaveParser, ACMWrapper)
' Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(result)
'Catch ex As Exception
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ConnectACMWrapper", ex.Message, "")
'End Try
'Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ACMWrapper Result", result.ToString, "")
' 'Configure the Compression Stream Variables
' Dim NewConfig As IAMStreamConfig
' Dim mp3Pin As IPin
' Dim ppEnum As IEnumPins
' Dim aPin(1) As IPin
' Dim dPin As PinDirection = PinDirection.Output
' Dim nPin As Integer
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Beginning ACMWrapper Compression", "", "")
' ACMWrapper.EnumPins(ppEnum)
' While ppEnum.Next(1, aPin, nPin) = 0
' mp3Pin = aPin(0)
' mp3Pin.QueryDirection(dPin)
' If dPin = PinDirection.Output Then
' Exit While
' End If
' End While
' NewConfig = TryCast(mp3Pin, IAMStreamConfig)
' If NewConfig Is Nothing Then
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "NewConfig Is nothing", "", "")
' End If
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "After TryCast", "", "")
' Dim nCap As Integer
' Dim sCap As Integer
' Dim pmt As New DirectShowLib.AMMediaType
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "After pmt", "", "")
' NewConfig.GetNumberOfCapabilities(nCap, sCap)
' Dim i As Integer
' Dim sArray(sCap) As System.IntPtr
' Dim intPtr As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sCap)
' Dim audioFormatACM As WaveFormatEx
' For i = 0 To nCap - 1
' NewConfig.GetStreamCaps(i, pmt, intPtr)
' audioFormatACM = New WaveFormatEx()
' Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt.formatPtr, audioFormatACM)
' 'Print Audio Format
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Index:", i.ToString, "")
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "AudioFormat:BitsPerSample", audioFormatACM.wBitsPerSample.ToString, "")
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "AudioFormat:nSamplesPerSec", audioFormatACM.nSamplesPerSec.ToString, "")
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "AudioFormat:AvgBytesPerSec", audioFormatACM.nAvgBytesPerSec.ToString, "")
' ''Once find the proper format then save it and exit
' If audioFormatACM.nAvgBytesPerSec = 8000 AndAlso audioFormatACM.nSamplesPerSec = 8000 Then
' 'audioFormatACM.nAvgBytesPerSec = 8000
' 'audioFormatACM.wBitsPerSample = 8
' 'audioFormatACM.nSamplesPerSec = 8000
' Marshal.StructureToPtr(audioFormatACM, pmt.formatPtr, True)
' Exit For
' End If
' Next
' 'Use Selected format from enum to set
' If NewConfig.SetFormat(pmt) <> 0 Then
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ACM Setformat Error", "", "")
' End If
' 'See if Successfully Set
' audioFormatACM = New WaveFormatEx()
' Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt.formatPtr, audioFormatACM)
' If NewConfig.GetFormat(pmt) <> 0 Then
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ACM GetFormat Error", "", "")
' End If
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ACM Updated AvgBytesPerSec", audioFormatACM.nAvgBytesPerSec.ToString, "")
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ACM Updated SamplesPerSec", audioFormatACM.nSamplesPerSec.ToString, "")
' 'Release Memory
'Catch ex As Exception
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Compression Error:", ex.Message, ex.Source)
'End Try
'' WaveParser is connected with MPEG3.
' result = ConnectFilters(Me.graphBuilder, ACMWrapper, MPEG3Wrapper)
' Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(result)
'Catch ex As Exception
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Connect MPEG3Wrapper", ex.Message, "")
'End Try
'Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "MPEG3Wrapper Result", result.ToString, "")
'Configure the Compression Stream Variables
Dim NewConfig1 As IAMStreamConfig
Dim mp3Pin1 As IPin
Dim ppEnum1 As IEnumPins
Dim aPin1(1) As IPin
Dim dPin1 As PinDirection = PinDirection.Output
Dim nPin1 As Integer
While ppEnum1.Next(1, aPin1, nPin1) = 0
mp3Pin1 = aPin1(0)
If dPin1 = PinDirection.Output Then
Exit While
End If
End While
NewConfig1 = TryCast(mp3Pin1, IAMStreamConfig)
If NewConfig1 Is Nothing Then
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "NewConfig Is nothing", "", "")
End If
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "After TryCast", "", "")
Dim nCap1 As Integer
Dim sCap1 As Integer
Dim pmt1 As New DirectShowLib.AMMediaType
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "After pmt", "", "")
NewConfig1.GetNumberOfCapabilities(nCap1, sCap1)
Dim i As Integer
Dim sArray1(sCap1) As System.IntPtr
Dim intPtr1 As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sCap1)
For i = 0 To nCap1 - 1
NewConfig1.GetStreamCaps(i, pmt1, intPtr1)
Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt1.formatPtr, audioFormat)
'Print Audio Format
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Index:", i.ToString, "")
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "AudioFormat:BitsPerSample", audioFormat.wfx.wBitsPerSample.ToString, "")
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "AudioFormat:nSamplesPerSec", audioFormat.wfx.nSamplesPerSec.ToString, "")
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "AudioFormat:AvgBytesPerSec", audioFormat.wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec.ToString, "")
'Once find the proper format then save it and exit
'If audioFormat.wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = 8000 AndAlso audioFormat.wfx.wBitsPerSample = 8 Then
' audioFormat.wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = 8000
' 'audioFormat.wfx.wBitsPerSample = 8
' 'audioFormat.wfx.wFormatTag = 85
' 'audioFormat.wfx.nSamplesPerSec = 1000
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "MP3 Selected Format AvgBytesPerSec", audioFormat.wfx.nSamplesPerSec.ToString, "")
' Marshal.StructureToPtr(audioFormat, pmt1.formatPtr, True)
' Exit For
'End If
'Use Selected format from enum to set
'If NewConfig1.SetFormat(pmt1) <> 0 Then
' Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Setformat Error:", NewConfig1.SetFormat(pmt1).ToString, "")
'End If
'See if Successfully Set
pmt1 = New AMMediaType
If NewConfig1.GetFormat(pmt1) <> 0 Then
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "GetFormat Error", "", "")
End If
Marshal.PtrToStructure(pmt1.formatPtr, audioFormat)
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Updated AvgBytesPerSec", audioFormat.wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec.ToString, "")
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Updated SamplesPerSec", audioFormat.wfx.nSamplesPerSec.ToString, "")
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Updated FormatTag", audioFormat.wfx.wFormatTag.ToString, "")
Catch ex As Exception
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Compression Error:", ex.Message, ex.Source)
End Try
' MPEG3 is connected with WavDest.
result = ConnectFilters(Me.graphBuilder, MPEG3Wrapper, WavDestWrapper)
Catch ex As Exception
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Connect WavDestWrapper", ex.Message, "")
End Try
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "WaveDestWrapper Result", result.ToString, "")
' Connect to the File Writer
result = ConnectFilters(Me.graphBuilder, WavDestWrapper, fileDestination)
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "ConnectFileWriter", result.ToString, "")
'Actually Write The File
' The IMediaSeeking interface is acquired.
Me.mediaSeeking = Me.graphBuilder
Me.duration /= DSS_MEDIA_TIME ' MEDIA_TIME to Millisecond
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Duration=", Me.duration.ToString, "")
Catch ex As Exception
Me.graphBuilder = Nothing
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Exception MP3Convert", ex.Message, "")
asyncReader = Nothing
WaveParser = Nothing
'ACMWrapper = Nothing
MPEG3Wrapper = Nothing
WavDestWrapper = Nothing
fileSource = Nothing
fileDestination = Nothing
End Try
Service1.nlog.LogError(0, "Ending Init MP3", " Result:", result.ToString)
Return result
End Function