我有一个脚本,允许管理员查看客户已下的订单,他们可以在其中决定查看订单详细信息或删除订单。用户可以订购 1 件或多件商品,为此在数据库中创建的条目具有相同的 order_id,但具有不同的 product_id。当我显示我的订单时,这些重复的条目会出现,但是我只希望每个 order_id 有 1 个条目。下面是我的功能
function viewOrdersAdmin(){
//This block grabs the orders
$order_list = "";
//Selecting all the orders in the table from that member
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `transactions`") or die(mysql_error());
while ($transactions = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
//creating variables from the information
$order_id = $transactions["order_id"];
$mem_id = $transactions["mem_id"];
$order_details = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `transactionDetails` WHERE `order_id` = $order_id") or die(mysql_error());
$orderDetailsCount = mysql_num_rows($order_details);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($order_details)) {
//creating variables from the information
$order_product_id = $row["Product_ID"];
$member_details = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `mem_id` = $mem_id") or die(mysql_error());
$memberDetailsCount = mysql_num_rows($member_details);
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($member_details)) {
//creating variables from the information
$order_mem_fname = $row2["mem_first_name"];
$order_mem_lname = $row2["mem_last_name"];
$order_list .= "Order ID:$order_id - Customer Name: $order_mem_fname $order_mem_lname <a href='manage_order.php?orderid=$order_id'>View</a> • <a href='manage_orders.php?deleteid=$order_id'>Delete</a><br/>";
if (count($orderDetailsCount) == 0) {
$order_list = "You have no orders to display";