我希望git diff按文件名过滤结果。

特别是,我想要所有名为“AssemblyInfo.cs”但位于 git 存储库中任何位置的文件的差异。

我在 Cygwin 上使用 git,如果这有什么不同的话。


6 回答 6



git diff -- '*AssemblyInfo.cs'

至少这适用于我的 Git v1.8.4、bash 3.2 和 zsh 5.7。

于 2015-08-28T00:31:11.783 回答

文件参数git diff需要被分隔--- 试试这个:

find . -name <pattern> | xargs git diff --

xargs 确保正确处理空格、制表符、换行符等。

您可以--name-status使用git diff. 你也可以试试:

git diff --name-only | grep <pattern>

[编辑] 尝试:

git diff --name-status -- `find . -name '<pattern>'`
ebg@taiyo(98)$ git diff --name-status -- `find . -name '*.scm'`
M       scheme/base/boolean.scm
M       surf/compiler/common.scm
M       surf/compiler/compile.scm
M       surf/compiler/expand.scm
于 2013-03-15T18:09:48.517 回答


git diff "*/*AssemlyInfo.cs"

从 git 2.20.1 开始工作

于 2019-07-23T01:43:04.980 回答

While the answer given by GoZoner works for some (hundred?) files, it executes git diff multiple times (in the case of xargs) or fails (in the case of git diff … -- `find …`) if there is a large number of files to diff. This might be a problem or not, depending on your use case.

A possible solution is to create a commit containing only changes to files of interest and diff the commits. Based on an answer on unstaging files matching some pattern I came up with this solution:

git co <new_branch> --detach
git reset --soft <old_branch>

Now git status --porcelain | grep <pattern> shows all files that should be compared. All other files can be listed by passing -v to grep, i.e. git status --porcelain | grep -v <pattern>. This files need to be reset to the state of <old_branch>:

# Remove the destination of renamed and copied files not matching <pattern>
git status --porcelain | grep -v <pattern> | grep '^R \|^C ' | sed 's/.* -> //' | xargs git rm -f --
# Remove added files not matching <pattern>
git status --porcelain | grep -v <pattern> | grep '^A ' | cut -c 4- | xargs git rm -f --
# Restore deleted files not matching <pattern>
git status --porcelain | grep -v <pattern> | grep '^M \|^D ' | cut -c 4- | xargs git checkout HEAD --

(Note that using xargs is not a problem in this case, as calling git rm and git checkout multiple times is ok.)

Now the index (and working copy) only contains changes to the files matched by <pattern>. The next thing to do is to commit this changes:

git commit -m "Changes between <old_branch> and <new_branch> in files matching <pattern>"

That's it! Now we can use git diff as usual:

git diff HEAD^..HEAD

You can use all options or arguments you like.

Note: This solution is not tested extensively and may fail e.g. on files with special characters or other special cases… Suggestions to improve the solution are welcome ;-)

于 2014-12-06T23:15:28.310 回答

You can use pipeline

find . -name AssemblyInfo.cs | git diff

Use find to filter all the files named "AssemblyInfo.cs", then use the output as the parameter of git diff.

于 2013-03-15T17:49:53.613 回答
find . -iregex AssemblyInfo\.cs -exec git diff {} +


于 2016-11-23T13:04:31.477 回答