Suppose I have a MacBook Pro, but I don't have an Android phone and I just want to run Android apps in the emulator on my desktop; I don't want it to make phone calls, but I do want it to talk to the internet and install apps (so I can use them). Is there an easy way to do this without spending hours reading Android SDK docs? I used to run the Android SDK emulator while I was developing an app for it and now it seems much more complex.
118 次
3 回答
您需要 APK 文件。使用Android Debug Bridge ( )在 konsole/ 终端中安装 APK 很容易
:$ cd /path-to-Android-SDK/platform-tools $ adb install /path-to-APK-file
如果您想在 Google Play 上使用应用程序,则需要应用程序 Play Store。不幸的是,谷歌不为模拟器提供它。
于 2013-03-15T02:27:30.653 回答
要Goolge Play
在桌面上运行应用程序,请使用运行 Android Gingerbread 2.3 的软件Blue Stacks,并且运行良好。
于 2013-03-15T02:36:25.867 回答
基本上,为了在您的模拟器中运行应用程序,它需要支持 Google Play 服务,并且目前在任何当前支持的模拟器版本中都不可用(无论您使用哪个系统映像)。
于 2013-03-15T02:36:55.667 回答