
例如(包含 Set1 Set2):

contains [1,2] [3,5] -> is false
contains [1] [2,3, 1] -> is true

集合是有限的。集合的最大值为 5,最小值为 0,集合的值不得大于 5,也不得小于 0。


[1,5,3] -> valid set
[1,8,2] -> invalid set


( declare-sort Set 0 )

( declare-fun contains (Set Int) bool )

( declare-const set Set )

( declare-const A Int )

( assert ( contains set A ))
( assert ( not (contains set 0 )))
( check-sat )




1 回答 1


您在消息中描述的操作(contains S1 S2)是子集关系。如果我们将整数集编码为从 Int 到 Boolean 的函数(例如 in: max value in set z3),那么S1S2被声明为:

(declare-fun S1 (Int) Bool)
(declare-fun S2 (Int) Bool)


(assert (forall ((x Int)) (=> (S1 x) (S2 x))))

我们只是说 in 中的任何元素S1也是 的元素S2


我们可以使用表达式(exists ((x Int)) (and (S1 x) (S2 x)))来检查集合是否S1S2共同的元素


集合的最小元素可以像我们在集合 z3 中的最大值中那样进行编码。例如,假设 的最小元素S1min_S1

; Now, let min_S1 be the min value in S1
(declare-const min_S1 Int)
; Then, we now that min_S1 is an element of S1, that is
(assert (S1 min_S1))
; All elements in S1 are bigger than or equal to min_S1
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (=> (S1 x) (not (<= x (- min_S1 1))))))

如果您正在编码的集合的最小值在“编码时”是已知的(并且很小)。我们可以使用另一种基于位向量的编码。在这种编码中,一个集合是一个位向量。如果集合只包含 0 到 5 之间的值,那么我们可以使用大小为 6 的位向量。想法是:如果位i为真,当且仅当i是集合的一个元素。


(declare-const S1 (_ BitVec 6))
(declare-const S2 (_ BitVec 6))
(declare-const S3 (_ BitVec 6))

; set equality is just bit-vector equality
(assert (= S1 S2))

; set intersection, union, and complement are encoded using bit-wise operations

; S3 is  S1 union S2
(assert (= S3 (bvor S1 S2))) 

; S3 is S1 intersection of S2  
(assert (= S3 (bvand S1 S2)))

; S3 is the complement of S1   
(assert (= S3 (bvnot S1))) 

; S1 is a subset of S2 if  S1 = (S1 intersection S2), that is
(assert (= S1 (bvand S1 S2)))

; S1 is the empty set if it is the 0 bit-vector
(assert (= S1 #b000000))

; To build a set that contains only i we can use the left shift
; Here, we assume that i is also a bit-vector
(declare-const i (_ BitVec 6))
; S1 is the set that contains only i
; We are also assuming that i is a value in [0, 5]
(assert (= S1 (bvshl #b000001 i)))
于 2013-03-14T17:39:12.213 回答