我一直在使用 C# 正则表达式,它被大量用作 Web 应用程序中自定义模板系统的一部分。表达式很复杂,我注意到使用 Regex.Compiled 选项带来的实际性能提升。然而,编译的初始成本在开发过程中是令人讨厌的,尤其是在迭代单元测试期间(这里提到了这个一般的权衡)。
我的问题是:是否有任何理由说明这可能是一个坏主意?我之所以问,是因为我不确定跨线程分配诸如 jitting 和程序集加载之类的成本是否真的有效(尽管从我的基准测试中看来)。这是代码:
public class LazyCompiledRegex
private volatile Regex _regex;
public LazyCompiledRegex(string pattern, RegexOptions options)
if (options.HasFlag(RegexOptions.Compiled)) { throw new ArgumentException("Compiled should not be specified!"); }
this._regex = new Regex(pattern, options);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
var compiled = new Regex(pattern, options | RegexOptions.Compiled);
// obviously, the count will never be null. However the point here is just to force an evaluation
// of the compiled regex so that the cost of loading and jitting the assembly is incurred here rather
// than on the thread doing real work
if (Equals(null, compiled.Matches("some random string").Count)) { throw new Exception("Should never get here"); }
Interlocked.Exchange(ref this._regex, compiled);
public Regex Value { get { return this._regex; } }