Jason-Kim-MacBook-Pro:composer jkim$ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
Fetching source index from https://rubygems.org/
Resolving dependencies...

Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError: Could not verify the SSL certificate for https://rubygems.org/.
There is a chance you are experiencing a man-in-the-middle attack, but most likely your system doesn't have the CA certificates needed for verification. For information about OpenSSL certificates, see bit.ly/ssl-certs. To connect without using SSL, edit your Gemfile sources and change 'https' to 'http'.
An error occurred while installing rake (10.0.3), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install rake -v '10.0.3'` succeeds before bundling.

我的 gemfile 包括gem "mysql2".

我是 OS X Lion,使用 Ruby 1.8.7。Rails 是 3.2.12。

我安装了 rake 顺便说一句。

Jason-Kim-MacBook-Pro:composer jkim$ gem install rake -v '10.0.3'
Successfully installed rake-10.0.3
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for rake-10.0.3...
Installing RDoc documentation for rake-10.0.3...

1 回答 1


仍然不知道到底是什么问题,但我通过不使用 https 来修复它。

在您的 gemfile 中,将源更改为source 'http://rubygems.org'

于 2013-03-12T22:59:08.253 回答