我正在开发一个用于在微米尺度上定位的自动对焦例程,因此我需要找到图像之间焦点/模糊的非常小的差异。幸运的是,图像模式将始终相同(这些是原始 2 MP 图像的 256x256 中心裁剪):

0 µm 关闭 50 µm 关闭

         Perfect focus         |           50 µm off


5 µm 关闭 10 µm 关闭

           5 µm off            |           10 µm off

越来越接近最佳焦点的另一种方法是在焦平面的相对两侧找到两个具有相同模糊量的图像。例如,可以保存 -50 µm 的图像,然后尝试在 +50 µm 附近找到模糊相等的图像。假设图像位于 +58 µm,那么焦平面应位于 +4 µm。



3 回答 3


令人惊讶的是,许多非常简单的自动对焦算法实际上在这个问题上表现得非常好。我实现了 Liu、Wang 和 Sun的论文Dynamic evaluation of autofocusing 对血液涂片和巴氏涂片进行自动显微分析中概述的 16 种算法中的 11 种。由于我无法找到设置阈值的建议,因此我还添加了一些没有阈值的变体。我还在 SO 上添加了一个简单但聪明的建议:比较 JPEG 压缩图像的文件大小(更大的大小 = 更多的细节 = 更好的焦点)。


  • 以 2 µm 焦距的间隔保存 21 张图像,总范围 ±20 µm。
  • 计算每个图像的焦点值。
  • 将结果拟合到二次多项式。
  • 找到给出多项式最大值的位置。

除直方图范围外的所有算法都给出了良好的结果。一些算法稍作修改,例如它们使用 X 和 Y 方向的亮度差异。我还必须更改 StdevBasedCorrelation、Entropy、ThresholdedContent、ImagePower 和 ThresholdedImagePower 算法的符号,以在焦点位置获得最大值而不是最小值。该算法需要一个 24 位灰度图像,其中 R = G = B。如果用于彩色图像,则只会计算蓝色通道(当然很容易校正)。

通过运行阈值 0、8、16、24 等直至 255 的算法并为以下各项选择最佳值,可以找到最佳阈值:

  • 稳定的焦点位置
  • 大的负 x² 系数导致焦点位置的窄峰
  • 多项式拟合的低残差平方和

有趣的是,ThresholdedSquaredGradient 和 ThresholdedBrennerGradient 算法具有几乎平坦的焦点位置线、x² 系数和残差平方和。它们对阈值的变化非常不敏感。


public unsafe List<Result> CalculateFocusValues(string filename)
  using(Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(filename))
    int width  = bmp.Width;
    int height = bmp.Height;
    int bpp = Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(bmp.PixelFormat) / 8;
    BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);

    long sum = 0, squaredSum = 0;
    int[] histogram = new int[256];

    const int absoluteGradientThreshold = 148;
    long absoluteGradientSum = 0;
    long thresholdedAbsoluteGradientSum = 0;

    const int squaredGradientThreshold = 64;
    long squaredGradientSum = 0;
    long thresholdedSquaredGradientSum = 0;

    const int brennerGradientThreshold = 184;
    long brennerGradientSum = 0;
    long thresholdedBrennerGradientSum = 0;

    long autocorrelationSum1 = 0;
    long autocorrelationSum2 = 0;

    const int contentThreshold = 35;
    long thresholdedContentSum = 0;

    const int pixelCountThreshold = 76;
    long thresholdedPixelCountSum = 0;

    const int imagePowerThreshold = 40;
    long imagePowerSum = 0;
    long thresholdedImagePowerSum = 0;

    for(int row = 0; row < height - 1; row++)
      for(int col = 0; col < width - 1; col++)
        int current = *((byte *) (data.Scan0 + (row + 0) * data.Stride + (col + 0) * bpp));
        int col1    = *((byte *) (data.Scan0 + (row + 0) * data.Stride + (col + 1) * bpp));
        int row1    = *((byte *) (data.Scan0 + (row + 1) * data.Stride + (col + 0) * bpp));

        int squared = current * current;
        sum += current;
        squaredSum += squared;

        int colDiff1 = col1 - current;
        int rowDiff1 = row1 - current;

        int absoluteGradient = Math.Abs(colDiff1) + Math.Abs(rowDiff1);
        absoluteGradientSum += absoluteGradient;
        if(absoluteGradient >= absoluteGradientThreshold)
          thresholdedAbsoluteGradientSum += absoluteGradient;

        int squaredGradient = colDiff1 * colDiff1 + rowDiff1 * rowDiff1;
        squaredGradientSum += squaredGradient;
        if(squaredGradient >= squaredGradientThreshold)
          thresholdedSquaredGradientSum += squaredGradient;

        if(row < bmp.Height - 2 && col < bmp.Width - 2)
          int col2    = *((byte *) (data.Scan0 + (row + 0) * data.Stride + (col + 2) * bpp));
          int row2    = *((byte *) (data.Scan0 + (row + 2) * data.Stride + (col + 0) * bpp));

          int colDiff2 = col2 - current;
          int rowDiff2 = row2 - current;
          int brennerGradient = colDiff2 * colDiff2 + rowDiff2 * rowDiff2;
          brennerGradientSum += brennerGradient;
          if(brennerGradient >= brennerGradientThreshold)
            thresholdedBrennerGradientSum += brennerGradient;

          autocorrelationSum1 += current * col1 + current * row1;
          autocorrelationSum2 += current * col2 + current * row2;

        if(current >= contentThreshold)
          thresholdedContentSum += current;
        if(current <= pixelCountThreshold)

        imagePowerSum += squared;
        if(current >= imagePowerThreshold)
          thresholdedImagePowerSum += current * current;

    int pixels = width * height;
    double mean = (double) sum / pixels;
    double meanDeviationSquared = (double) squaredSum / pixels;

    int rangeMin = 0;
    while(histogram[rangeMin] == 0)
    int rangeMax = histogram.Length - 1;
    while(histogram[rangeMax] == 0)

    double entropy = 0.0;
    double log2 = Math.Log(2);
    for(int i = rangeMin; i <= rangeMax; i++)
      if(histogram[i] > 0)
        double p = (double) histogram[i] / pixels;
        entropy -= p * Math.Log(p) / log2;

    return new List<Result>()
      new Result("AbsoluteGradient",            absoluteGradientSum),
      new Result("ThresholdedAbsoluteGradient", thresholdedAbsoluteGradientSum),
      new Result("SquaredGradient",             squaredGradientSum),
      new Result("ThresholdedSquaredGradient",  thresholdedSquaredGradientSum),
      new Result("BrennerGradient",             brennerGradientSum),
      new Result("ThresholdedBrennerGradient",  thresholdedBrennerGradientSum),
      new Result("Variance",                    meanDeviationSquared - mean * mean),
      new Result("Autocorrelation",             autocorrelationSum1 - autocorrelationSum2),
      new Result("StdevBasedCorrelation",       -(autocorrelationSum1 - pixels * mean * mean)),
      new Result("Range",                       rangeMax - rangeMin),
      new Result("Entropy",                     -entropy),
      new Result("ThresholdedContent",          -thresholdedContentSum),
      new Result("ThresholdedPixelCount",       thresholdedPixelCountSum),
      new Result("ImagePower",                  -imagePowerSum),
      new Result("ThresholdedImagePower",       -thresholdedImagePowerSum),
      new Result("JpegSize",                    new FileInfo(filename).Length),

public class Result
  public string Algorithm { get; private set; }
  public double Value     { get; private set; }

  public Result(string algorithm, double value)
    Algorithm = algorithm;
    Value     = value;

为了能够绘制和比较不同算法的焦点值,它们被缩放到 0 和 1 之间的值 ( scaled = (value - min)/(max - min))。

±20 µm 范围内的所有算法图:

±20 微米

0微米 20微米

              0 µm             |             20 µm

对于 ±50 µm 的范围,情况看起来非常相似:

±50 微米

0微米 50微米

              0 µm             |             50 µm

当使用 ±500 µm 的范围时,事情会变得更有趣。四种算法表现出更多的四次多项式形状,而其他算法开始看起来更像高斯函数。此外,直方图范围算法开始比较小范围执行得更好。

±500 微米

0微米 500微米

              0 µm             |             500 µm

总的来说,我对这些简单算法的性能和一致性印象深刻。用肉眼,很难判断即使是 50 µm 的图像也没有对焦,但算法可以轻松比较相距几微米的图像。

于 2013-03-13T22:20:32.290 回答



Extreme Optimization 库的单个开发许可证成本为 999 美元,但我确信有开源数学库也可以执行拟合。

// Distances (in µm) where the images were saved
double[] distance = new double[]

// Sharpness value of each image, as returned by CalculateFocusValues()
double[] sharpness = new double[]

// Fit data to y = ax² + bx + c (second degree polynomial) using the Extreme Optimization library
const int SecondDegreePolynomial = 2;
Extreme.Mathematics.Curves.LinearCurveFitter fitter = new Extreme.Mathematics.Curves.LinearCurveFitter();
fitter.Curve = new Extreme.Mathematics.Curves.Polynomial(SecondDegreePolynomial);
fitter.XValues = new Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra.GeneralVector(distance,  true);
fitter.YValues = new Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra.GeneralVector(sharpness, true);

// Find distance of maximum sharpness using the first derivative of the polynomial
// Using the sample data above, the focus point is located at distance +2.979 µm
double focusPoint = fitter.Curve.GetDerivative().FindRoots().First();
于 2013-07-20T05:24:56.880 回答

至于免费图书馆,Math.Net 将为此目的而工作

于 2014-08-22T13:19:56.243 回答