我已经查看了代码,但我根本不知道哪些函数在做什么以及如何与我的主要编码语言 C# 相关。
Set mSkype = WScript.CreateObject("Skype4COM.Skype", "Skype_")
ContactName=InputBox ("Enter the contact's Skype User Name" & CHR(13) & "Note that this must be the User Name and not the Display Name", "User Name:")
If ContactName = "" Then
If mSkype.User(ContactName).FullName="" then
WScript.Echo ("The name " & ContactName & " is not in your Contact List")
End If
End If
PictureFileName=InputBox ("Enter the path and name of the Picture" & CHR(13) & "The file extension must be .jpg", "Save Picture as:")
If PictureFileName="" Then
End If
cmdStr = "GET USER" & " " & ContactName & " " & "AVATAR 1" & " " & PictureFileName
mSkype.SendCommand mSkype.Command(0, cmdStr)
哦,我确实已经导入了 skype4com,并且我正在使用该 api,这不是转换的问题。